...时数减少,非常健谈、多话,常常是滔滔不绝讲个没完,另外他们的思考或想法也经常跳来跳去,称之为跳跃性思考(flight of ideas),易分心,当个体处于忧郁的阶段,其特征又显示出心情沮丧低沈、对任何事缺乏反应或兴趣、体重改变、产生睡眠困扰、缺乏活力、负...
1.思维奔逸(flight of ideas) 是联想速度加快和量的增加,表现思维和谈话都非常快,一个概念接着另一个概念大量涌现,以致有时来不及表达。
... flight of idea 意念飘忽 flight of ideas思想紊乱 flight of thinking 思维奔逸 ...
... Emotion:情绪 Flight of Ideas:意念飞跃 Generalized Anxiety:广泛性焦虑疾患 ...
Although it dates from several hundred years after the building of the pyramids, its sophistication suggests that the Egyptians might have been developing ideasofflight for a long time.
The Icarus team is on the hunt for the right combination of systems and ideas that will make a plausible case for interstellar flight using current and near future technologies.
Design of an automatic test system for automatic flight control system (AFCS) is presented. The development of major hardware and the design ideas of test software are discussed.