释义 |
- 观念奔逸:指思维过程异常快速,思维跳跃,难以集中注意力。
1 ?意念飘忽 思维奔逸(flight of thinking ) 思维奔逸又称 意念飘忽 ( flight of idea ) , 是指思维活动量的异常增多 , 思维速度的异常加快和思维活动 内容的异常变换 ; 意念缺乏一定的指向性和持续性 , 显得思潮澎湃... 2 ?意念飞跃 意念飞跃 ( Flight of idea ):语音连接Clang Association、语意连接Panning b. 3 ?思维奔逸 思维奔逸 ( flight of idea ) 93 斯路德综合征(蝶腭神经节神经痛)(Sluder’s syndrome) 217 4 ?思想奔逸 ... 梦想 1.(妄想) dream of; vainly hope; pipe dream; woolgathering 一厢情愿的梦想 a fond d ... 思想奔逸 flight of idea 我想奔向你 i wanna run to you ...
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He was fascinated by the idea, and obviously the horrors, of flight, and used a cast of his own body for that sculpture. 他深深地着迷于飞翔的主意,显然还有飞翔的恐怖之处,还在雕塑上用他自己的身体做模。 - 2
In a recent paper, Dr. Dial and a graduate student, Brandon E. Jackson, presented a novel idea about how some dinosaurs used their proto-wings - a possible step in the evolution of flight. 在其最近的一篇论文中,戴尔博士和一个研究生布兰登·e .·杰克逊提出了关于某些恐龙是如何使用它们的原生翅膀——向飞行进化的可能步骤——的新观点。 - 3
The idea is to circle the globe in five stages, each taking four or five days of continuous flight (which is about as much as a pilot could endure). 这个环球飞行计划分为五个阶段,每个阶段用时四到五天(这也是一个飞行员所能忍受的极限了)。