释义 |
- 精美盒子:一种外观精致、设计独特的盒子,通常用于包装礼物或珍藏物品。
1 ?装璜用盒 ... -fancy line: 花辫绳;纵帆收帆索 -fancy box: 装璜用盒 -fancy carton: 彩色纸盒 ... 2 ?魔幻盒 ... Revealing Photo Slider:图片幻灯片特效 Fancy Box:魔幻盒 Scrollable:滚动特效 ...
- 1
Buy a book, a great pair of jeans, or try a fancy restaurant - safer perhaps than a box of cookies because the price inhibits the quantity. 好,买本书,买一条牛仔裤,或上时髦的饭店吃一顿。这样也许比买盒饼干安全一些,因为价格终会对有限制作用。 - 2
Meanwhile, box-office revenues from cinemas are flat, and TV channels increasingly prefer cheap reality programming to Hollywood's flights of fancy. 同时,院线票房表现平淡,电视频道也越来越倾向于播出廉价的真人节目,而不是好莱坞的奇思妙想。 - 3
That way, you've got a computer that uses a bare minimum of power and doesn't neeed no fancy screen to convert a file, download a big file, or serve as a temporary backup box. 这样,你就得到了一个基本不耗电、不需要屏幕的机器,可以用来转换文件、下载大文件、或者作为一个临时的备份服务器。