释义 |
flytrap 英/ f?la?tr?p / 美/ ?fla?tr?p / - 1
生物学 捕蝇草 From the result of the principal component analysis, we found that the BtuF-B12 complex shows clear opening-closing and twisting motion tendencies which are consistent with the so-called“Venus-flytrap”mechanism taken by the first and the second periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs). 根据对BtuF-B12复合物主成分分析的结果,发现BtuF展现出明显的“开-合”和“扭转”运动的趋势,这与第一、二类周质结合蛋白所采用的“捕蝇草”工作机制相吻合。
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Venus flytraps appear to have evolved an even more elaborate version of this kind of trap, complete with jaw-like leaves. 维纳斯捕蝇草似乎已经进化出了这种捕蝇草的更复杂的版本,包括颚状的叶子。 - 2
Venus flytraps, for example, share an ancestor with Portuguese sundews, which only catch prey passively, via "flypaper" glands on their stems. 例如,维纳斯捕蝇草和葡萄牙茅膏菜有共同的祖先,后者只通过茎上的“捕蝇纸”腺体被动地捕捉猎物。 - 3
In the pine savannah of North Carolina, the increasing suppression of fires is allowing other plants to grow too quickly and out compete the flytraps in their native environment. 在北卡罗莱纳州的松树稀树草原上,对火灾增长的抑制使得其他植物生长过快,在它们的自然环境中胜于捕蝇草。