释义 |
1 ?弗林效应 对于IQ测验,学者发现了弗林效应(Flynn Effect),即每一代人的IQ值平均要比其父辈高出10%。我们有充足的理由相信,是环境因素使我们的孩子变得更聪明。
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This increase in intelligence is called the "Flynn Effect". It was named after James Flynn. 这种智力的提高被称为“弗林效应”。它是以詹姆斯·弗林之名命名的。 - 2
It is called the Flynn effect after James Flynn, who discovered it. 它被称做“弗林效应”,以它的发现者詹姆斯·弗林命名。 - 3
Many causes have been proposed for both the intelligence gap and the Flynn effect, including education, income, and even nonagricultural labor. 人们对智力差距和弗林效应提出了许多成因,包括教育、收入,甚至还包括非农业劳动。