权利耗尽原则,或称为首次销售原则(first sale doctrine)是指,权利人就其所制造、创作或经其同意所制造或重制之物品,于第一次进入市场后,即丧失其对该物品之贩卖权与使用权。
该项判决指出,第一次销售原则(First Sale Doctrine)也适用于境外的合法著作物上。第一次销售原则(First sale doctrine)指的是著作在第一次合法售出后,版权就已经“耗尽”,所以利...
...se)之规定亦有其规范之必要,以限制散布权之权能,平衡著作人之私权与公众之公共利益,而「第一次销售理论(First Sale Doctrine)是对于散布权之主要的限制。
英美法系之一次销售原则(First sale doctrine),与欧陆法系的 耗尽理论 ( exhaustion doctrine )是相同的对散布权之限制,此一观点可谓是英雄所见略同。
首次销售原则 ; 售原则
Unlike physical music CDs, Judge Richard Sullivan ruled that the "first sale doctrine" did not apply.
BBC: Redigi screengrab
Historically, the first sale doctrine has provided strong rights to owners of legitimately purchased copyrighted works.
FORBES: Are We All Copyright Infringers?
Sony are looking to do an end run around the first sale doctrine.
FORBES: Sony's Latest Patent Could Wipe Out The Second Hand Games Market