... 无数的 beyond number; countless (l02); incalculable; infinite; innumerable---too numerous to be counted; numberless; millions of; myriad; no end of; out of number; sumless; thousand; umpteen; uncountable; uncounted; unknown; unnumbered 意思一样flying kiss 千;无数的 thous ...
If she throws a flyingkiss, half of China will fall in acute infatuation and crush.
Flying in the pure world. I see one blue flower blossom in the wind. I give her a kiss, then we know we will love each other forever. So this pure, beauty picture living forever!
A kiss, I have a kiss you are flying to the December snow at the end of the world with a kiss, kiss my a fly you to seize it, I do not forget to save it with you, my love!