释义 |
exemplary damages 美/ ?ɡ?zempl?ri ?d?m?d??z / - 惩罚性赔偿:犯罪者需要支付的一定金额,旨在防止他们或其他人在未来犯类似罪行。
1 ?惩罚性赔偿 惩罚性赔偿(Exemplary Damages),与加重赔偿有些近似。法庭考虑惩罚 性赔偿要考虑两个先决条件:一是被告明知发布的信息虚假,或者鲁莽地不去理 会信息是真是假... 2 ?示范性赔偿 ...现在在英美法系国家,一般认为,惩罚性赔偿(punitive damages)也称报复性赔偿(vindictive damages)或示范性赔偿(exemplary damages),是指被告因其主观上的恶意或重大过失在向原告承担了补偿赔偿责任的基础上,再额外承担一定数额的惩罚性赔偿金,其目的主要在于惩罚...
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We will not be liable for consequential, special or exemplary damages or losses of any kind. 我们将不对任何因其他因素影响和特别或无可幸免的损失负责。 - 2
If the behavior of someone who commits a tort is outrageous, that person can be made to pay punitive damages (also called "exemplary damages"). 如果行为人的民事侵权超过一定的限度,这个人就可能被判处惩罚性赔偿(也被叫作“惩戒性赔偿”)。 - 3
In any case, due to the site direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, the website and its owners do not undertake any responsibility. 在任何情况下,因本网站造成的直接,间接,偶然,必然的,特殊的,惩罚性或惩戒性损害赔偿,本网站不承担任何责任。