'he wasn't kidding,' says Russ Riendeau, an executiverecruiter who set up the interview and confirmed the account with the job hunter.
“他不是在开玩笑,”组织了这场面试的招聘主管拉斯?李安德(Russ Riendeau)说。
"Compliments on appearance are just too familiar," explains Patricia Lenkov, an executiverecruiter at New York City-based Agility executive Search.
“赞美对方的外表太冒昧了”,纽约市一家行政猎头公司的招聘主管Patricia Lenkov解释道。
The executiverecruiter, wearing a hairnet and an apron, finally got a customer to tell him what he needed to know: the identity of a technology guru a client had hired Mr.