

单词 executive operating system
executive operating system
  • 简明释义
  • 执行作业系统,执行操作系统
  • 网络释义
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    ... 执行部件 execution unit 执行操作系统 executive operating system 执行程序 executive ...

  • 2


    ... 执行作业调度 executive job scheduling 执行作业系统 executive operating system 并行作用式计算机 parallel machine ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Computerworld - a top Microsoft executive today compared Apple's iPhone 4 to his own company's problem-plagued Vista operating system.
    计算机世界-一位微软公司的管理人员今天将苹果公司的iPhone 4比作自己公司的问题操作系统Vista。
  • 2
    Google is working on a self-driving vehicle and an operating system for cars, and recently hired a former motor-industry executive to run its autonomous car project.
  • 3
    Microsoft's top Windows business executive said Monday that for all his excitement about Windows 7, he doubts the release of the operating system will lead to a significant spike in PC sales.
    微软高级副总裁Bill Veghte 周一称 虽然Windows7的推出令人欢欣鼓舞,但他怀疑这款新操作系统能否对PC销量起到足够的刺激作用 。 他说:“ 历史证明以往的每次 Windows操作系统更新换代都只能对PC市场造成有限的影响,你会看到Windows7的促进作用,不过那将是很有限的 。”




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