释义 |
1 ?除息股票 ex-dividend stock 除息股票...
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The answer is generally not because if you buy the stock before it goes ex-dividend, you get--you have to pay a higher price, but you get the dividend. 答案一般来说是不用,如果你买了股票,是在除息之前买的,你的买入价高,但能分到红 - 2
They'll tell someone, hurry up and buy this stock because it's going to go ex-dividend. 他们告诉买家,迅速买入这支股票,因为它马上要除息了。 - 3
The variety of dividend tax rate is one of the reasons that cause the variety of stock pricing; it also induces the arbitrage opportunities and additional trading around ex-date. 红利税率的多元化是引致投资者对股票估价差异性的原因之一,并且催生了现金股利除息前后的套利机会和增量交易。