释义 |
excrement 英/ ?ekskr?m?nt / 美/ ?ekskr?m?nt / 1 ?排泄物 051117摘要 关键词: HPLC法;恩诺沙星;环丙沙星;排泄物 [gap=1506]Key words: high-performance liquid chromatography;enrofloxacin;ciprofloxacin;excrements 2 ?粪 ... excorticate去皮;去壳 excrements排泄物;粪(便) excreta排泄物;分泌物 ... 3 [生理]?粪便 ⑦ 维生素E 粪便(excrements;dirt;faeces;shit ) 粪便俗称大便,人或动物的食物残渣排泄物.
- 1
Shits, animals' excrements, are a fine fertilizer which will promote the growth of plant if being applied in the land. 粪便,动物的排泄物,如果被用到土地上的话,是一个很好的肥料,可以促进植物的生长。 - 2
Saprophytes secure their food from nonliving but organic matter, such as deed bodies of plants and animals food products, excrements, etc. 腐生生物从无生命的有机物质,如动植物尸体、食物制品、排泄物等,获得食物。 - 3
For the effect of organic fertilizer on millet growing characters, chicken excrements are best, and pig excrements is better than cow dung. 就不同种有机肥来说,对谷子生育性状影响的效果是鸡粪最佳,其次是猪粪,最后是牛粪。