

单词 exclusionism
/ ?k?sklu???n?z?m /
/ ?k?sklu??n??z?m /
  • 简明释义
  • n.排外主义;排他主义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    • 排外主义

      Hayek′s cultural evolutionism is based principally on his views of spontaneous order,whose major ideas can be concluded as follows: on the basis of the spontaneous order,cultural evolution lies in people′s spontaneous interaction rather than the elites′ rationalistic construction,so we should oppose cultural rationalistic constructivism;on the basis of the cooperative and competitive spontaneous order,cultural evolution lies in cooperation and competition with other cultures rather than isolationism and exclusionism,so we should oppose cultural exclusionism;on the basis of the spontaneous order constituted by the universal rules of just individual conduct,cultural evolution lies in tolerance rather than egoism,so we should oppose cultural egoism;on the basis of the spontaneous order rooted in cultural tradition,cultural evolution lies in gradual reform rather than radical revolution,so we should oppose cultural radicalism.

      哈耶克的文化演进论主要建立在他的自生自发秩序观基础之上。 从他的自生自发秩序观出发,其文化演进论的要旨可以概括为:基于自生自发的秩序观,文化的演进在于社会成员的自发性互动而非精英的理性建构,故反对文化上的理性建构主义;基于合作与竞争的自生自发秩序观,文化的演进在于与其他文化的合作和竞争而非封闭和排外,故反对文化上的排外主义;基于一般正当行为规则的自生自发秩序观,文化的演进在于有容乃大而非唯我独尊,故反对文化上的唯我主义;基于文化传统的自生自发秩序观,文化的演进在于渐进性变革而非激进性革命,故反对文化上的激进主义





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