释义 |
激励活动 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?兴奋活动 ...on ==> 刺激性,励磁,激发,激惹,激惹现象,兴奋,兴奋作用,激励=>励振,励起,励磁,励孤 excitation activity ==> 兴奋活动 excitation and inhibition ==> 兴奋与抑制 ..
- 1
In other words, when one system reaches a certain peak of excitation, the nerve activity that it generates "recruits" or affects the next system along the chain. 换句话说,当一个系统达到某个兴奋顶点,神经活动连锁地“召集”或引发下一个系统。 - 2
Saltcake has better effect on excitation the activity of steel slag. - 3
In this paper, excitation effects of alkali, gypsum, lime and temperature on the pozzolanic activity of fly ash were researched. 研究了碱、石膏、石灰和温度对粉煤灰火山灰活性的激发作用。