你存在,我深深的脑海和心里 ? You, my mind and heart 题述 ? entitled to 我认为他的话不切我们的话题。 ? I think that his words do not cut our topic.
...erification,please enter the 3 digit activation code ? 你的电话号码,完成核查,请输入的3位数字激活代码 entitled to ? 有权 Where did most of the English speakers live at the end of the 16th century? ? 凡没有英语为母语的的大部分生活在16世纪末?
... Foolhardy 有勇无谋的,不识时务的 Entitled to 享有……权利;获得……资格 Cyberbullying 网络欺凌;网络暴力行为 ...