2.《现代建筑-一部批判的历史》弗兰姆普敦(Frampton)著、张钦楠译,中国建筑工业出版社; 3.《可持续性建筑》(英)爱德华兹 著、中国建筑工业出版社;
... 所属州: UT 名字: Frampton 姓: S ...
... 唱片名: Frampton 表演者: Peter Frampton 出版者: A&M ...
彼得·弗兰普顿 ; 彼得佛莱普顿 ; 福兰顿 ; 彼德·福兰顿
兰姆普敦 ; 弗兰姆普敦 ; 弗兰普敦 ; 弗兰姆普顿
弗兰普顿 ; 兰普顿
"I found my style with that guitar, " Mr. Frampton said by phone from Berlin.
WSJ: The Sounds of Silence | By Jim Fusilli
"When we were on the roads together David's first single 'Space Oddity' went to number 1" says Frampton.
CNN: Bowie's old friend: 'He's the same guy I went to school with'
Noticeably absent, too, are examples from Andy Warhol, Hollis Frampton, John Pfahl, Mike Mandel, Larry Sultan and Robert Cumming.
WSJ: Light Years: Conceptual Art and the Photograph, 1964-1977 | Snapshot of a Movement | By Richard B. Woodward