释义 |
1 ?家庭套餐 吃完早饭,我就开始写作业 ? After breakfast, I started doing their homework 家庭套餐 ? FAMILY PACKAGE 当你学习遇到困难的时候,请不要放弃 ? When you learn in times of difficulties, please do not give up .. 2 ?起的合家欢住宿套餐 Amari Don Muang Bangkok 酒店于即日起至10月31日供给由约国民币1,100元(5,520泰铢)起的合家欢住宿套餐(Family Package),优惠包孕两晚精美 客房 (Superior Room)住宿、早餐、免费于大堂酒廊享用欢迎赠饮、机场来回专车接送、于Zeppelin R餐厅或Henr... 3 ?亲子套票 ... 西西里肉酱焗饭 ? Sicilian meat baked rice 亲子套票 ? Family Package 他正在tink about去参加运动野营 ? He was Tink about to go to the sports camp ... 4 ?家庭套票 ... ?????????大包(large package)20张起售 ?????????情侣套票(lovers package)2张(仅限280元) ??????????家庭套票(family package)3张(仅限380元) 炎热的夏天都来了.还在用黑炮的震撼和摇滚的刺激在混淆着你的听觉吗?
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McDonald's Family package coupon, valued at RMB56, 60000 pieces of coupons nationally. 麦当劳家庭套餐券,价值人民币56元,全国共有60000份。 - 2
In the evening, every family package dumplings, what fillings are: radish meat, celery, carrots, beans... Multifarious, think of the nasal spray. 到了晚上,家家都包饺子,什么馅得都有:萝卜肉的、芹菜的、胡萝卜的、豆角的的……五花八门,想起喷鼻。 - 3
Nothing in the aspect of the family was altered, except that the wife and daughters had levied on the package and put on woollen stockings and jackets. 那家里的样子一点没有改变,只是那妇人和姑娘们取用了包里的衣服,穿上了袜子和毛线衫。