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家庭,一个父 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Family life also can suffer - when one parent is driving to basketball practice and the other is carpooling to dance class, meals are missed. 家庭生活也会受到损害- - -当父母中的一位正驱车赶往篮球练习场,另一个则搭乘其车去舞蹈班,吃饭就错过了。 - 2
Research shows that around half of the 3 million children living in poverty now have at least one parent working, but they earn too little to pull the family above the poverty line. 调查显示,三百万贫困儿童中近半至少有一位父母已就业,但是他们挣的钱很少,很难让家人处于贫困线以上。 - 3
extending the issue of the two-parent versus one-parent family is, "To what extent are these notions validated " cross-culturally?" 将双亲和单亲家庭的问题扩展了一下,“这些概念究竟在多大程度上,会因跨文化差异而有所变化