... 族类特异性 group specificity 族群生物化学 family biochemistry 阻遏 repression ...
That terrible knowledge means it is possible to predict which members of a family are destined to get the disease, and compare their biochemistry with that of relatives who do not have the mutation.
Some results from the studies on the deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) from patients and their family have been obtained by virtue of blood biochemistry and histology.
本文对G6PD 缺陷症患者及其家族进行多项血液生化及组织学方面研究。此类患者G6PD 活力低下;
Methods:We have analysed 840 cases of congenital mental retardation with biochemistry lab tests, cytogenetic study and family investigation.