释义 |
- 确保来自:确保某种结果或状态来自某个特定的来源或原因。
1 ?保护 ... ensure vt.保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到 ensure from v.保护 ensure to v.保证给 ... 2 ?使安全 ... ensure success for sb确保某人成功 ensure from使安全,保护…免受 ensure from harm保护某人免受伤害 ...
- 1
From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. 从2008年1月1日起,挪威所有上市公司都有义务确保至少40%的董事会成员是女性。 - 2
From the Greeks to the Great War, its job was simple: to struggle with lethal diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain. 从希腊时代到第一次世界大战,它的工作很简单:与致命疾病和严重残疾作斗争,确保生育以及减少病痛。 - 3
We will continue to work to ensure that all countries benefit equally from carbon finance. 我们将继续致力于确保所有国家都平等地从碳融资中受益。