释义 |
- vt.安置,安顿;安全隐藏(ensconce 的现在分词)
1 ?置身于 ... eschewing:回避 ensconcing:置身于,隐蔽 bolstering:改善,支持 ...
- 1
Take the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her. “顺你来的路走回去好啦,”她回答,仍然安坐在椅子上,面前一支蜡烛,还有那本摊开的大书。 - 2
And yet, each year, they continue to bring in foreigners, ensconcing them in foreigner housing complexes and educating their children in expensive foreign schools. 然而同时,它们每年也会从海外派驻员工去中国,安置他们住在外籍人士的高尚小区,安排他们的孩子就读昂贵的国际学校。 - 3
By ensconcing the lithium inside the membrane's seal, the PolyPlus battery reacts safely with the oxygen dissolved in the water and delivers as much as 1,300 watt-hours per kilogram of electricity. 通过将锂安置在密封薄膜中,PolyPlus电池能够与水中的溶氧安全地发生反应,并能输送高达每公斤1,30 0瓦特时的电力。