释义 |
1 ?扩张能量损失 ... 每原子能量损失 energy loss per atom 扩张能量损失 enlargement loss 平均对数能量损失 mean logarithmic energy loss ... 2 [流]?扩张损失 ... distillation and loss 释义:蒸馏与损失 enlargement loss 释义:扩张损失 transient hearing loss 释义:暂时性听力损失,暂时性聋,暂时性阈移 ... 3 ?拓张损失 ... cell enlargement 细胞增大 hole enlargement 扩径 enlargement loss 拓张损失 ... 4 ?扩大损失 扩大损失 enlargement loss 造成大损失 costly ..
- 1
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), common symptoms of HL include the enlargement of lymph nodes, spleen, fever, weight loss, fatigue, or night sweats. 按照美国国立癌症研究所(NCI),HL的常见症状包括淋巴结,脾增大,发热,体重减轻,疲乏,或夜汗。 - 2
The disappearance and in modern Chinese and the loss of certain patterns give rise to the enlargement of expressive function of other tendency. 《醒世姻缘传》中部分趋向动词在现代汉语中的消失、不再常用和趋向动词构成的一些格式的消失,造成了其他趋向动词表意职能的扩大。 - 3
Progressive cyst formation and enlargement leads to loss of renal function, hypertension, and in 50% of cases, end-stage renal disease by the age of 60 year. 它以双肾多发性囊肿为特征,囊肿不断形成和进行性增大,导致肾功能下降,到60岁时大约有50%的患者进展至终末期肾衰。