...里奇博士是《商业与经济统计杂志》(Journal of Business and Economic Statistics)的主编、《计量经济理论》(Econometric Theory)的共同主编、《经滂学通讯》(Economics Letters)的计量经济学主编,并任《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic ..
此外, 余俊教授也曾担任国际权威学术期刊 -- 计量经济学 (Journal of Econometrics) 和 计量经济学理论 ( Econometric Theory ) -- 的特邀主编, 以及计量 经济学评论 (Econometric Reviews) 的副主编。
Besides studying econometrictheory and methods via rigorous proof, we emphasize the intuition and application of knowledge.
This paper tries to establish an econometric model based on aid theory of development economics and to answer the above question using national data from 1980.
According to the theory of demand direction, this paper USES econometric method to set up Qingdao economic growth model, and has revised the model with the method of mountain range recursive.