

单词 slow
释义 slow/sləʊ/ adj., adv. & v.adj. 1a taking a relatively long time to do a thing or cover a distance 慢的,缓慢的 also foll. by 亦后跟 of: slow of speech 说话慢吞吞的 b not quick; acting or moving or done without speed 迟缓的 2 gradual; obtained over a length of time 逐步的,费时的 slow growth 逐步的增长 3 not producing, allowing, or conducive to speed 不允许快速行驶的;走不快的;难行的 in the slow lane 在慢车道上 4 (of a clock etc.) showing a time earlier than is the case (时钟等)慢于…的,落后于…的 5 (of a person) not understanding readily; not learning easily ()迟钝的,愚笨的 6 dull; uninteresting; tedious 乏味的,无趣的,沉闷的 7 slack or sluggish 呆滞的,萧条的 business is slow 商业萧条 8 (of a fire or oven) giving little heat (火或炉灶)微热的 9 Photog. 【摄】a (of a film) needing long exposure (胶片)曝光慢的 b (of a lens) having a small aperture (镜头)小孔径的 10a reluctant; tardy 不情愿的,勉强的 not slow to defend himself 立刻为自己辩护 b not hasty or easily moved 慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 slow to take offence 不易生气 11 (of a cricket pitch, tennis court, putting green, etc.) on which the ball bounces or runs slowly (板球场、网球场、高尔夫球场的轻击区等)球速减缓的 adv. 1 at a slow pace; slowly (see Usage Note) 缓慢地,慢慢地 2 (in comb. 用于复合词) (slow-moving traffic 缓慢移动的车流)v. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 down, up) 1 intr. & tr. reduce one's speed or the speed of (a vehicle etc.) 减速;使(车等)减速 2 intr. reduce one's pace of life; live or work less actively or intensely 放慢生活节奏;生活闲散,工作闲散 slow and sure of the attitude that haste is risky 慢而稳的 slow but sure achieving the required result eventually 最终达到目的的 slowish adj. slowly adv. slowness n.[Old English slɑˉw, from Germanic]
Usage 用法说明
The use of slow as an adverb is chiefly confined to compounds such as slow-acting, slow-burning, slow-moving. It is also established in the expression go slow and the noun go-slow. In sentences such as he drives too slow and go as slow as you can, slowly is preferable in formal contexts. Compare fast which is fully acceptable as an adverb in standard English. 作为副词 slow 主要用于复合词,如 slow-acting, slow-burning slow-moving ,同时也用于短语 go slow 和名词 go-slow 中。在 he drives too slow go as slow as you can 这样的句子中,正式文体最好用 slowly 。可与 fast 一词比较,该词在标准英语中完全可作副词用。




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