

单词 slip
释义 slip1/slip/ v. & n.v. (slipped, slipping) 1 intr. slide unintentionally esp. for a short distance; lose one's footing or balance or place by unintended sliding 滑,溜;滑倒,滑跤 2 intr. go or move with a sliding motion 滑动,滑行 as the door closes the catch slips into place 门关上时,门扣就扣上了; slipped into her nightdress 迅速套上她的睡衣 3 intr. escape restraint or capture by being slippery or hard to hold or by not being grasped 滑落;滑脱 the eel slipped through his fingers 鳗鱼从他的手中滑脱了 4 intr. make one's or its way unobserved or quietly or quickly 不知不觉地过去;溜走;悄悄地走 just slip across to the baker's 恰好溜进面包店; errors will slip in 错误难防 5 intr.a make a careless or casual mistake 疏漏;出错 b fall below the normal standard; deteriorate, lapse 下降;变差 6 tr. insert or transfer stealthily or casually or with a sliding motion 偷偷地塞;悄悄地放 slipped a coin into his hand 偷偷把一枚硬币塞到他的手里; slipped the papers into his pocket 悄悄地把文件装进他的衣袋里 7 tr.a release from restraint 放开,放出 slipped the greyhounds from the leash 把束缚猎狗的皮带放开 b detach (an anchor) from a ship 解开锚链 c Brit. detach (a carriage) from a moving train []分离(行驶中的火车的一节车厢) d release (the clutch of a motor vehicle) for a moment 暂时松开(离合器) e (of an animal) produce (young) prematurely (动物)早产 8 tr. move (a stitch) to the other needle without knitting it (编织时)() 9 tr. (foll. by 后跟 on, off) pull (a garment) hastily on or off 迅速穿上(或脱下) (衣服) 10 tr. escape from; give the slip to 逃脱,挣脱 the dog slipped its collar 狗挣脱了颈圈; point slipped my mind 我忘记了要点 n. 1 the act or an instance of slipping 滑,溜;滑倒,滑跤 2 an accidental or slight mistake 疏漏;差错 3 a loose covering or garment, esp. a petticoat or pillowcase 外衣;(尤指)衬裙;枕套 4a a reduction in the movement of a pulley etc. due to slipping of the belt (由于皮带松弛造成滑轮等的)转差 b a reduction in the distance travelled by a ship or aircraft arising from the nature of the medium in which its propeller revolves (轮船或飞机行进时由于推进器旋转介质的性质造成的)滑程差 5 (in sing. or pl. 用单数或复数)a an artificial slope of stone etc. on which boats are landed (供船只停靠的有斜坡的)人工码头 b an inclined structure on which ships are built or repaired (斜面的)船坞 6 Cricket 【板球】a a player stationed for fielding any ball glancing off the bat to the off side 守场员 b (in sing. or pl. 用单数或复数) the position of such a fielder 守场员防守位置 caught in the slips 在防守区接住了球; caught at slip 在防守位置接住了球 7 a leash to slip dogs 牵狗皮带 give a person the slip escape from or evade him or her 摆脱,甩掉(某人) let slip 1 release accidentally or deliberately, esp. from a leash (无意或有意地)松开,放开(尤指拴狗的皮带) 2 miss (an opportunity) 错过(机会) 3 utter inadvertently 无意说出 let slip through one's fingers 1 lose hold of 逃脱,挣脱 2 miss the opportunity of having 错过机会 slip away depart without leave-taking etc. 溜走 slip off depart without leave-taking etc. 溜走 slip something over on colloq. outwit []瞒骗;智胜 slip up colloq. make a mistake []出错 there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip nothing is certain till it has happened 杯到嘴边还会失手,事情往往功亏一篑 [Middle English, probably from Middle Low German slippen: cf. SLIPPERY]




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