释义 |
sling1/sliŋ/ n. & v.●n. 1 a strap, belt, etc., used to support or raise a hanging weight, e.g. a rifle, a ship's boat, or goods being transferred (用于支撑或吊起重物的)背带,吊链,吊具 2 a bandage looped round the neck to support an injured arm (套在脖子上支撑受伤胳膊的)悬带,吊带 3 a strap or string used with the hand to give impetus to a small missile, esp. a stone 弹弓;(尤指)投石器 4 a pouch or frame supported by a strap round the neck or shoulders for carrying a young child (背小孩的)背带,吊带 5 Austral. slang a tip or bribe [澳] [俚语]小费;贿赂 ●v. tr. (past and past part. slung /slʌŋ/) 1 (also absol. [亦含宾]) hurl (a stone etc.) from a sling 投,掷(石头等) 2 colloq. throw [口]投,掷 3 suspend with a sling; allow to swing suspended; arrange so as to be supported from above; hoist or transfer with a sling 吊挂;悬挂 □ sling one's hook see 见 HOOK □ sling off at Austral. & NZ slang disparage; mock; make fun of [澳新] [俚语]贬损;嘲笑,讥笑 [Middle English, probably from Old Norse verb slyngva] |