

单词 important
释义 important/imˈpɔ:t(ə)nt/adj. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) of great effect or consequence; momentous 重大的,重要的 2 (of a person) having high rank or status, or great authority ()位高权重 3 pretentious, pompous 自命不凡的;自负的 4 (absol. [含宾], in parenthetic construction 用于插入结构中 prec. by 前接 more or most) what is a more, or most, significant point or matter 更为重要的,更有甚者 they are willing and, more important, able 他们愿意,更重要的是,他们能够 importantly adv.[French from medieval Latin (as IMPORT)]
Usage 用法说明
Some people use importantly in sense 4 above, i.e. They are willing and, more importantly, able. This is considered incorrect in standard English and should be avoided. 有些人在上述释义 4 中使用 importantly, They are willing and, more importantly, able (他们愿意,更重要的是,他们能够)。这在标准英语中被认为是不正确的,应避免使用。




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