释义 |
stand/stænd/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. stood /stʊd/) 1 intr. have or take or maintain an upright position, esp. on the feet or a base (尤指用脚或在底座上)站立;站定 2 intr. be situated or located 坐落,位于 here once stood a village 这里曾经座落着一个村子 3 intr. be of a specified height 具有特定高度 stands six feet three 高度为 6 英尺 3 英寸 4 intr. be in a specified condition 处于某个状态 stands accused 处于被指控的境地; the thermometer stood at 90° 温度计显示是 90 度; the matter stands as follows 情况如下; stood in awe of them 对他们感到敬畏 5 tr. place or set in an upright or specified position (竖直地或以某个姿势)放置 stood it against the wall 把它靠墙放置 6 intr.a move to and remain in a specified position 移向某个站立位置 stand aside 站到旁边 b take a specified attitude 采取某种态度 stand aloof 远离,不参与 7 intr. maintain a position; avoid falling or moving or being moved 保持不变,维持不变 the house will stand for another century 这所房子将会再存在一个世纪; stood for hours arguing 连续争论数小时 8 intr. assume a stationary position; cease to move 停止;停住 now stand still 现在停住不动 9 intr. remain valid or unaltered; hold good 保持不变,保持有效 the former conditions must stand 以前的条款必须保持有效 10 intr. Naut. hold a specified course 【海】保持特定的航向 stand in for the shore 保持向岸边航行的航向; you are standing into danger 你正驶向危险海域 11 tr. endure without yielding or complaining; tolerate 忍受,忍耐;容忍 cannot stand the pain 无法忍受这种痛苦; how can you stand him? 你怎么能容忍他? 12 tr. provide for another or others at one's own expense 请客,为…付账 stood him a drink 请他喝一杯 13 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 for) Brit. be a candidate (for an office, legislature, or constituency) [英]候选,竞选 stood for Parliament 竞选议员; stood for Finchley 竞选芬奇雷 14 intr. act in a specified capacity 以某种身份行事 stood proxy 做代理人 15 tr. undergo (trial) 经受(考验) 16 intr. Cricket act as umpire 【板球】当裁判员 17 intr. (of a dog) point, set (狗)站定以头指向 18 intr. (in full 全形 stand at stud) (of a stallion) be available for breeding (牝马)可作种马 ●n. 1 a cessation from motion or progress, a stoppage 停止,中断 was brought to a stand 使停顿 2a a halt made, or a stationary condition assumed, for the purpose of resistance (行进中)停下反击;摆出姿态反击,抵御,抵制 b resistance to attack or compulsion (esp. make a stand 对抗) 抵抗,反抗 c Cricket a prolonged period at the wicket by two batsmen 【板球】(两个击球员在一局内对三柱门的)坚持防守 3a a position taken up 位置 took his stand near the door 他站在门旁 b an attitude adopted 态度,立场 4 a rack, set of shelves, table, etc., on or in which things may be placed (放物品的)架,台 music stand 乐谱架; hatstand 帽架 5a a small open-fronted structure for a trader outdoors or in a market etc. (户外或市场等中的)摊位,售货台,售货亭 b esp. Brit. a structure occupied by a participating organization at an exhibition [尤英] (展览会上的)展台 6 a standing place for vehicles (车辆候客的)停车处 cab-stand 出租车停车处 7a a raised structure for spectators, performers, etc. to sit or stand on 看台,讲台,舞台 b US a witness box [美] (法庭的)证人席 take the stand 出庭作证 8 Theatr. etc. each halt made on a tour to give one or more performances 【戏】(巡回演出中的)演出停留 9 a group of growing plants 植物丛 stand of trees 树林; stand of clover 苜蓿丛 □ as it stands 1 in its present condition, unaltered 照现在的情况 2 (also 亦作 as things stand) in the present circumstances 在目前的情况下 □ be at a stand archaic be unable to proceed, be in perplexity [古义]停顿,僵持,不知所措 □ it stands to reason see 见 REASON □ stand alone be unequalled 无与伦比 □ stand and deliver! hist. a highwayman's order to hand over valuables etc. [史义]留下买路钱!(拦路强盗用语) □ stand at bay see 见 BAY5 □ stand back 1 withdraw; take up a position further from the front 撤退;退后 2 withdraw emotionally in order to take an objective view (为了客观考虑问题而)摆脱感情因素的干扰 □ stand by 1 stand nearby; look on without interfering 站在一旁;袖手旁观 will not stand by and see him ill-treated 不会袖手旁观地看着他受虐待 2 uphold, support, side with (a person) 支持,站在(某人)一边 3 adhere to, abide by (terms or promises) 遵守(条款或诺言) 4a Naut. stand ready to take hold of or operate (an anchor etc.) 【海】准备握住(或操纵) (锚等) b be ready to act or assist 准备行动,准备帮助 □ stand a chance see 见 CHANCE □ stand corrected accept correction 承认错误 □ stand down 1 withdraw from a team, election, etc. 退出(小组、竞选等) 2 leave the witness box 退出证人席 3 Mil. go off duty; relax after a state of alert 【军】下岗;解除戒备 □ stand easy! see 见 EASY □ stand for 1 represent, signify, imply 代表,象征,意味着 ‘US’ stands for ‘United States’ “ US ”代表“美国”; democracy stands for a great deal more than that 民主所代表的含义远远不止那些 2 (often with neg. 常与否定词连用) colloq. endure, tolerate, acquiesce in [口]忍受,容忍,勉强同意 3 espouse the cause of 支持,拥护 □ stand one's ground maintain one's position, not yield 坚持立场,不退缩 □ stand high be high in status, price, etc. (地位或价格等)高 □ stand in (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) deputize; act in place of another 代表;替代 □ stand in the breach see 见 BREACH □ stand a person in good stead see 见 STEAD □ stand in with be in league with 与…联合 □ stand off 1 move or keep away, keep one's distance 疏远,保持距离 2 Brit. temporarily dispense with the services of (an employee) [英]暂时解雇(员工) □ stand on 1 insist on, observe scrupulously 坚持,拘泥于 stand on ceremony 讲究礼节; stand on one's dignity 保持尊严 2 Naut. continue on the same course 【海】继续保持同一航向 □ stand on me slang rely on me; believe me [俚语]依靠我;相信我 □ stand on one's own feet (or own two feet) be self-reliant or independent 自力更生,自立 □ stand out 1 be prominent or conspicuous or outstanding 突出,显眼,引人注目 2 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 against, for) hold out; persist in opposition or support or endurance 坚持;坚持抵抗,坚决支持,坚决忍耐 □ stand over 1 stand close to (a person) to watch, control, threaten, etc. (对某人)密切注意(或控制、威胁等) 2 be postponed, be left for later settlement etc. 被推迟,被延期 □ stand pat see 见 PAT2 □ stand to 1 Mil. stand ready for an attack (esp. before dawn or after dark) 【军】(尤指在天亮前或天黑后)准备进攻 2 abide by, adhere to (terms or promises) 遵守(条款或诺言) 3 be likely or certain to 可能会;一定会 stands to lose everything 可能会失去一切 4 uphold, support, or side with (a person) 支持,站在(某人)一边 □ stand treat bear the expense of entertainment etc. 请客,为…付账 □ stand up 1a rise to one's feet from a sitting or other position 起立,站立 b come to or remain in or place in a standing position 站立,站定 2 (of an argument etc.) be valid (论点等)站得住脚 3 colloq. fail to keep an appointment with [口]失约,爽约 □ stand up for support, side with, maintain (a person or cause) 支持,维护,坚持(某人或事业) □ stand upon = stand on 1 □ stand up to 1 meet or face (an opponent) courageously 勇敢面对(对手) 2 be resistant to the harmful effects of (wear, use, etc.) 经得住(穿、用等) □ stand well (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) be on good terms or in good repute 与…相处融洽;名声好 □ take one's stand on base one's argument etc. on, rely on 立场是基于… □ stander n.[Old English standan, from Germanic] |