释义 |
silent/ˈsailənt/adj. 1 not speaking; not uttering or making or accompanied by any sound 缄默的,不语的,无声的 2 (of a letter) written but not pronounced, e.g. b in doubt (字母)不发音的 (如 doubt 中的 b 不发音) 3 (of a film) without a synchronized soundtrack (电影)无声的 4 (of a person) taciturn; speaking little (人)寡言的;不爱说话的 5 saying or recording nothing on some subject 未(被)记述的,未(被)谈及的 the records are silent on the incident 记录中未记述此事件 6 (of spirits) unflavoured (烈酒)未调味的 □ silently adv.[Latin silēre silent- ‘be silent’] |