

单词 shut
释义 shut/ʃʌt/v. (shutting; past and past part. shut) 1 tr.a move (a door, window, lid, lips, etc.) into position so as to block an aperture 关;闭,合上(门、窗、盖子、嘴唇等) shut the lid 合上盖子 b close or seal (a room, window, box, eye, mouth, etc.) by moving a door etc. 关上,闭上(房间、窗户、箱子、眼睛、嘴等) shut the box 关上箱子 2 intr. become or be capable of being closed or sealed 关上,闭上;能关上,能闭上 the door shut with a bang 门砰地关上了; the lid shuts automatically 盖子能自动关闭 3 intr. & tr. esp. Brit. become or make (a shop, business, etc.) closed for trade [尤英] (商店、公司等)停止营业 the shops shut at five 商店 5 点停止营业; shuts his shop at five 他的商店 5 点停止营业 4 tr. bring (a book, hand, telescope, etc.) into a folded-up or contracted state (书、手、望远镜等)合拢,收拢 5 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 in, out) keep (a person, sound, etc.) in or out of a room etc. by shutting a door etc. (人、声响等)关在屋内(或屋外) shut out the noise 把喧闹声关在屋外; shut them in 把他们关在屋里 6 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 in) catch (a finger, dress, etc.) by shutting something on it 夹住(手指、衣服等) shut her finger in the door 门夹住了她的手指 7 tr. bar access to (a place etc.) 封住(某处的)入口 this entrance is shut 这个入口被封了 be (or get) shut of slang be (or get) rid of [俚语]摆脱 were glad to get shut of him 很高兴能摆脱他 shut the door on refuse to consider; make impossible 拒绝考虑;使不可能 shut down 1 stop (a factory, nuclear reactor, etc.) from operating 使(工厂、核反应器等)停工 2 (of a factory etc.) stop operating (工厂等)关闭,停工 3 push or pull (a window sash etc.) down into a closed position 使(窗扇等)关上 shut one's eyes (or ears or heart or mind) to pretend not, or refuse, to see (or hear or feel sympathy for or think about) 假装没有看到(或听到、同情、思考等);拒绝看(或听、同情、思考等) shut in (of hills, houses, etc.) encircle, prevent access etc. to or escape from (see also sense 5 另见释义 5) (山、房子等)被包围,被封堵 were shut in by the sea on three sides 三面被大海包围 shut off 1a stop the flow of (water, gas, etc.) by shutting a valve 切断(水、气等) b switch off (a machine etc.) 关掉(机器等) 2 separate from society etc. (与社会等)隔绝 shut out 1 exclude (a person, light, etc.) from a place, situation, etc. (人、光线等)排除在外 2 screen (landscape etc.) from view 遮挡住(景色等) 3 prevent (a possibility etc.) 防止(可能性等) 4 block (a painful memory etc.) from the mind 不再想起(痛苦的回忆等) 5 N. Amer. prevent (an opponent) from scoring (see also sense 5 另见释义 5) [北美]使(对手)不能得分 shut to 1 close (a door etc.) (门等) 2 (of a door etc.) close as far as it will go (门等)关紧 shut up 1 close all doors and windows of (a house etc.); bolt and bar 关闭(房子等的)所有门窗 2 imprison (a person) 囚禁(某人) 3 close (a box etc.) securely 关紧(箱子等) 4 colloq. reduce to silence by rebuke etc. [] (通过斥责等)使安静 5 put (a thing) away in a box etc. (把某物)收好,放在(箱子等里面) 6 (esp. in imper. 尤用于祈使句) colloq. stop talking []住口!闭嘴 ! shut up shop 1 close a business, shop, etc. 关闭(公司、商店等) 2 cease business etc. permanently (永久性地)停业 shut your face (or head or mouth or trap)! slang an impolite request to stop talking [俚语]闭嘴!住口 !(一种不礼貌的要求方式)[Old English scyttan from West Germanic: related to SHOOT]




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