释义 |
idle/ˈaid(ə)l/ adj. & v.●adj. (idler, idlest) 1 lazy, indolent 懒惰的,懒散的 2 not in use; not working; unemployed 闲置的;不做事的;失业的 3 (of time etc.) unoccupied (时间等)空闲的 4 having no special basis or purpose 无专门根据的;无专门意图的 idle rumour 毫无根据的谣传; idle curiosity 无意义的好奇心 5 useless 无用的 6 (of an action, thought, or word) ineffective, worthless, vain (行动、思想或词语)无效的,无价值的,徒然的 ●v. 1a intr. (of an engine) run slowly without doing any work (发动机)怠速运转 b tr. cause (an engine) to idle 使(发动机)空转 2 intr. be idle 无所事事 3 tr. (foll. by 后跟 away) pass (time etc.) in idleness 虚度(时光等) □ idleness n.□ idly adv.[Old English īdel ‘empty, useless’] |