

单词 -id
释义 -id3/id/suffix forming nouns denoting 构成名词,表示 : 1 Zool. an animal belonging to a family with a name in -idae or a class with a name in -ida (canid 犬科动物; arachnid 蛛形纲动物) 【动】以 -idae 结尾或以 -ida 结尾的…纲动物 2 a member of a person's family (Seleucid from Seleucus 塞琉古家族成员塞琉西) …家族的成员 3 Astron. 【天】a a meteor in a group radiating from a specified constellation (Leonid from Leo 狮子星座散发出的狮子座流星) 由某一星座散发出的流星 b a star of a class like one in a specified constellation (cepheid 造父变星) 某一类型的变星 [from or suggested by Latin -ides, pl. -idae or -ida]




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