

单词 shoot
释义 shoot/ʃu:t/ v., n. & int.v. (past and past part. shot /ʃɒt/) 1 tr.a cause (a gun, bow, etc.) to fire 开枪;射箭 b discharge (a bullet, arrow, etc.) from a gun, bow, etc. 发射(子弹、箭等) c kill or wound (a person, animal, etc.) with a bullet, arrow, etc. from a gun, bow, etc. (用子弹或箭等)射死,射伤 2 intr. discharge a gun etc., esp. in a specified way (尤指以某种方式)开枪,射击 shoots well 准确地射击 3 tr. send out, discharge, propel, etc., esp. violently or swiftly (尤指猛烈地或迅速地)发射;投射;抛出 shot out the contents 倾尽所有; shot a glance at his neighbour 迅速扫了他的邻居一眼 4 intr. (often foll. by 通常后跟 out, along, forth, etc.) come or go swiftly or vigorously 飞驰;急冲 5 intr.a (of a plant etc.) put forth buds etc. (植物等)吐芽;绽蕾 b (of a bud etc.) appear (嫩芽、花蕾等)长出 6 intr.a hunt game etc. with a gun (用枪)打猎 b (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 over) shoot game over an estate etc. (在庄园等中)打猎 7 tr. shoot game in or on (coverts, an estate, etc.) (在丛林、庄园等中)打猎 8 tr. film or photograph (a scene, film, etc.) 拍照;摄影 9 esp. Football ()【足球】a intr. take a shot at the goal 射门 b tr. score (a goal) 射门得分 10 tr. (of a boat) sweep swiftly down or under (a bridge, rapids, falls, etc.) ()迅速穿过(桥、急流、瀑布等) 11 tr. move (a door bolt) to fasten or unfasten a door etc. (用门闩)闩门;(拔开门闩)开门 12 tr. let (rubbish, a load, etc.) fall or slide from a container, lorry, etc. 倾倒(垃圾)(把货物从汽车上)倾倒出 13 intr.a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 through, up, etc.) (of a pain) pass with a stabbing sensation (疼痛)剧烈,刺痛 b (of part of the body) be intermittently painful (身体部位)断续作疼 14 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out) project abruptly 突出;伸入 the mountain shoots out against the sky 大山高耸入云 15 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) slang inject esp. oneself with (a drug) [俚语] (尤指为自己)注射(毒品) 16 tr. N. Amer. colloq. [北美口]a play a game of (craps, pool, etc.) (掷骰子、台球等)游戏 b throw (a die or dice) (骰子) 17 tr. Golf colloq. make (a specified score) for a round or hole 【高尔夫球】[] (在一盘或一个球穴中)得分 18 tr. colloq. pass (traffic lights at red) []闯红灯 19 tr. plane (the edge of a board) accurately (把木板的边)刨精细 20 intr. Cricket (of a ball) dart along the ground after pitching 【板球】(球被击中后)近地低冲 21 intr. (in imper. 用于祈使句) used to demand a reply, information, etc. 用于要求对方回答问题或提供信息等 I'm listening, shoot! 我在听,你说吧 ! n. 1 the act or an instance of shooting 射击;发射 2a a young branch or sucker 芽;苗;新枝 b the new growth of a plant (植物)抽枝 3 Brit. []a a hunting party, expedition, etc. 射猎队;探险队 b land shot over for game 射猎场 4 = CHUTE1 5 a rapid in a stream 奔流;急流 int. N. Amer. slang euphem. an exclamation of disgust, anger, etc. (see SHIT) [北美] [俚语] [](表示厌恶、气愤等) shoot ahead come quickly to the front of competitors etc. 飞速前进;飞速超过 shoot one's bolt see BOLT1 shoot down 1 kill (a person) by shooting 击毙(某人) 2 cause (an aircraft, its pilot, etc.) to crash by shooting 击落(飞机、飞行员等) 3 argue effectively against (a person, argument, etc.) 驳倒(某人或观点等) shoot it out slang engage in a decisive gun battle [俚语]用枪斗决胜负 shoot a line Brit. slang talk pretentiously [] [俚语]吹嘘;吹牛 shoot one's mouth off slang talk too much or indiscreetly [俚语]信口开河;胡吹 shoot through Austral. & NZ slang depart; escape, abscond [澳新] [俚语]离开;逃离 shoot up 1 grow rapidly, esp. (of a person) grow taller (尤指人)迅速长高 2 rise suddenly 突然升起 3 terrorize (a district) by indiscriminate shooting (因胡乱打枪)使(某地区)惊恐 4 slang [俚语] = sense 15 of v. the whole shoot Brit. [] = the whole shooting match (see SHOOTING) shootable adj.[Old English scēotan from Germanic: related to SHEET1, SHOT1, SHUT]




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