

单词 sharp
释义 sharp/ʃɑ:p/ adj., n., adv. & v.adj. 1 having an edge or point able to cut or pierce (刃或尖)锋利的;锐利的 2 tapering to a point or edge 有刃的;有尖的 3 abrupt, steep, angular 突然的;陡直的;急转的 a sharp fall 急落; a sharp turn 急转弯 4 well defined, clean-cut 轮廓清晰的;线条分明的 5a severe or intense 严厉的;强烈的 has a sharp temper 脾气火爆 b (of food or its flavour) pungent, acid (食物或味道)辛辣的;酸的 c keen 强烈的 a sharp appetite 好胃口 d (of a frost) severe, hard ()极冷的;刺骨的 6 (of a voice or sound) shrill and piercing (声音或响声)尖利的,刺耳的 7 (of sand etc.) composed of angular grains (沙等)由颗粒组成的 8 (of words, temper, a person, etc.) harsh or acrimonious (言语、脾气、人等)尖刻的,刻薄的 had a sharp tongue 说话尖刻 9 (of a person) acute; quick to perceive or comprehend ()机智的;敏锐的 10 derog. quick to take advantage; artful, unscrupulous, dishonest []精明的;圆滑的;不讲道德的;不诚实的 11 vigorous or brisk 敏捷的;轻快的 12 Mus. 【音】a above the normal pitch 高调的 b (of a key) having a sharp or sharps in the signature ()有升音记号的 c (as C sharp, F sharp, etc.), a semitone higher than C, F, etc. 升半音的 13 colloq. stylish or flashy with regard to dress [] (穿着)时髦的;俗艳的 n. 1 Mus. 【音】a a note raised a semitone above natural pitch 升半音的音符 b the sign (#) indicating this 升半音的符号 # 2 colloq. a swindler or cheat []骗子 3 a fine sewing-needle 锐利的缝衣针 adv. 1 punctually 整点地 at nine o'clock sharp 在九点整 2 suddenly, abruptly, promptly 突然地;急速地 pulled up sharp 急速停车 3 at a sharp angle 尖锐地;急剧地 4 Mus. above the true pitch 【音】偏高地 sings sharp 唱得偏高 v. 1 intr. archaic cheat or swindle at cards etc. [古义] (打牌等)作弊 2 tr. US Mus. make sharp []【音】升高半音 sharply adv. sharpness n.[Old English sc(e)arp, from Germanic]




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