

单词 horse
释义 horse/hɔ:s/ n. & v.n. 1a a solid-hoofed plant-eating quadruped, Equus caballus, with flowing mane and tail, used for riding and to carry and pull loads (有蹄四足动物,食草,有平滑的鬃毛和尾巴,用于坐骑和运送物品) b an adult male horse; a stallion or gelding 成年公马;种马(或骟马) c any other four-legged mammal of the genus Equus, including asses and zebras 马科动物(包括驴、斑马等) d (collect. 集合名词; treated as sing. 看作单数) cavalry 骑兵 e a representation of a horse 像马的东西 2 = VAULTING HORSE 3a a frame or structure on which something is mounted or supported 可骑的东西;有脚的支架 b = SAWHORSE c = CLOTHES HORSE 1 4 slang heroin [俚语]海洛因 5 colloq. a unit of horsepower []马力 6 Naut. any of various ropes and bars 【海】(船上的)绳索铁杆 7 Mining an obstruction in a vein 【采矿学】夹块,夹石 v. 1 intr. (foll. by 后跟 around) fool about 开玩笑;捉弄 2 tr. provide (a person or vehicle) with a horse or horses 备马;套马 3 intr. mount or go on horseback 骑马 from the horse's mouth (of information etc.) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source (指消息)来源于当事人的;权威的 horses for courses Brit. the matching of tasks and talents []合适的人作合适的事 to horse! (as a command) mount your horses (命令)上马! horseless adj. horselike adj.[Old English hors, from Germanic]




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