释义 |
sensible/ˈsensib(ə)l/adj. 1 having or showing wisdom or common sense; reasonable, judicious 理智的;明白事理的;合情理的;有见地的 a sensible person 理智的人; a sensible compromise 合情理的妥协 2a perceptible by the senses 可察觉的 sensible phenomena 可察觉的现象 b great enough to be perceived; appreciable 足以感觉得到的;足以察觉得到的;明显的 a sensible difference 明显的差别 3 (of clothing etc.) practical and functional (服装等)实用的 4 (foll. by 后跟 of) aware; not unmindful 知道的;意识到的 was sensible of his peril 知道他面临的危险 □ sensibleness n.□ sensibly adv.[Middle English from Old French sensible or Latin sensibilis (as SENSE)]■ Usage 用法说明 See Usage Note at SENSIBILITY. 见 SENSIBILITY 的用法说明。 |