

单词 hit
释义 hit/hit/ v. & n.v. (hitting; past and past part. hit) 1 tr.a strike with a blow or a missile 打,击 b (of a moving body) strike (指运行的物体)碰撞 the plane hit the ground 飞机栽到了地上 c reach (a target, a person, etc.) with a directed missile 击中,命中(目标、人等) hit the window with the ball 用球击中窗户 2 tr. cause to suffer or affect adversely; wound 打击,使受痛苦;伤害 the loss hit him hard 这次损失对他打击很大 3 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 at, against, upon) direct a blow 打,打击 4 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 against, on) knock (a part of the body) 撞击(身体某部位) hit his head on the door frame 他的头撞到门框上 5 tr. light upon; get at (a thing aimed at) (see hit on) (无意中)发现,找到 he's hit the truth at last 他终于发现了真理; tried to hit the right tone in his apology 努力找到道歉的正确语调 6 tr. colloq. []a encounter 遇到,碰上 hit a snag 碰到困难 b arrive at 到达 hit an all-time low 到达历史最低点; hit the town 到城里 c indulge in, esp. liquor etc. 沉迷于(尤指酒等) hit the bottle 酗酒 7 tr. esp. US slang rob or kill [尤美] [俚语]抢劫;杀死 8 tr. occur forcefully to 想到,意识到 the seriousness of the situation only hit him later 后来他才意识到情况的严重性 9 tr. Sport 【运动】a propel (a ball etc.) with a bat etc. to score runs or points ()得分 b score (runs etc.) in this way 得分 c (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) strike (a ball or a bowler) for so many runs ()多次得分;打败对手 hit him for six 赢他 6 10 tr. represent exactly 准确反映;迎合 n. 1a a blow; a stroke 打击 b a collision 碰撞;撞击 2 a shot etc. that hits its target 击中 3 colloq. []a a popular success, esp. in entertainment (尤指娱乐圈中)风行一时的成功,红极一时 b a successful pop record 风靡一时的流行音乐唱片 4 a stroke of sarcasm, wit, etc. 讽刺;妙语,俏皮话 5 a stroke of good luck 好运气 6 esp. US slang [尤美] [俚语]a a murder or other violent crime 谋杀;暴力犯罪 b a drug injection etc. 毒品注射 7 a successful attempt 成功的尝试 hit-and-miss aimed or done carelessly or at random 随意地,漫不经心地 hit and run cause (accidental or wilful) damage and escape or leave the scene before being discovered 肇事后逃跑 hit-and-run attrib. adj. relating to or (of a person) committing an act of this kind (指人)肇事后逃逸的 hit back retaliate 报复 hit below the belt 1 esp. Boxing give a foul blow ()【拳击】违规出击 2 treat or behave unfairly 不公平地对待或行事 hit for six Brit. defeat in argument []争论中失败 hit the ground running esp. N. Amer. colloq. proceed with enthusiasm and dynamism [尤北美口]劲头十足地干 hit the hay see HAY1 hit the headlines see HEADLINE hit home make a salutary impression 留下好印象;使深受感动 hit it off (often foll. by 常后跟 with, together) agree or be congenial 相处得好,合得来 hit the nail on the head state the truth exactly 猜中;说得好;正中要害 hit on (or upon) find (what is sought), esp. by chance (尤指偶尔)发现,找到 hit-or-miss = hit-and-miss hit out deal vigorous physical or verbal blows 猛打;猛烈抨击 hit out at her enemies 狠打她的敌人 hit the road (US [] trail) slang depart [俚语]离开,离去 hit the roof see ROOF hit the sack see SACK1 hit the spot see SPOT hit up Cricket score (runs) energetically 【板球】得分 hit wicket Cricket an infringement involving striking the wicket with the bat etc., resulting in the dismissal of the batsman 【板球】用球棒击球门等的违规行为(导致击球手被罚出场) make a hit (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) be successful or popular 成功;盛行,风行 hitter n.[Old English hittan from Old Norse hitta ‘meet with’, of unknown origin]




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