释义 |
aristocracy/æriˈstɒkrəsi/n. (pl. -ies) 1a the highest class in society; the nobility 上层社会;贵族 b the nobility as a ruling class 贵族阶级 2a government by the nobility or a privileged group 贵族统治;特权阶级统治 b a state governed in this way 贵族统治的国家,贵族社会 3a (often foll. by 常后跟 of) the best representatives or upper echelons 杰出代表,精英分子 aristocracy of intellect 知识分子精英; aristocracy of labour 工人贵族 b any group which is privileged or is regarded as superior 特权阶层 [French aristocratie from Greek aristokratia, from aristos ‘best’ + kratia (as -CRACY)] |