释义 |
see1/si:/v. (past saw /sɔ:/; past part. seen /si:n/) 1 tr. discern by use of the eyes; observe; look at 看见 can you see that spider? 你能看见那只蜘蛛吗?; saw him fall over 看见他摔倒 2 intr. have or use the power of discerning objects with the eyes 看清;辨识出 sees best at night 夜里看得最清楚 3 tr. discern mentally; understand 领会;理解 I see what you mean 我明白你的意思; could not see the joke 不明白这个笑话的含义 4 tr. watch; be a spectator of (a film, game, etc.) 观看(电影、比赛等) 5 tr. ascertain or establish by inquiry or research or reflection (通过调查、研究或思考)确认;确定 I will see if the door is open 我去看看门是不是开着 6 tr. consider; deduce from observation 认为;推断 I see that you are a brave man 我认为你是个勇敢的人 7 tr. contemplate; foresee mentally 设想;预料 we saw that no good would come of it 我们预料这件事不会有好结果; can see myself doing this job indefinitely 我预料自己将无限期地做这个工作 8 tr. look at for information 见,参见 usu. in imper., as a direction in or to a book 通常用于祈使句,指出书的页码 : see page 15 参见第 15 页 9 tr. meet or be near and recognize 遇见;碰见 I saw your mother in town 我在城里遇见了你妈妈 10 tr.a meet socially 见面;会面 sees her sister most weeks 基本每星期都与她姐姐见面 b meet regularly as a boyfriend or girlfriend; court (作为男友或女友)约会 is still seeing that man 仍在与那男子约会 11 tr. give an interview to 会见;约见 the doctor will see you now 医生现在要给你看病了 12 tr. visit to consult 咨询访问 went to see the doctor 去看病 13 tr. find out or learn, esp. from a visual source (尤指通过可视资料)发现;得知 I see the match has been cancelled 我得知比赛已经被取消 14 intr. reflect; consider further; wait until one knows more 思考;静观 we shall have to see 我们得考虑考虑 15 tr. interpret or have an opinion of 提出看法(或见解) I see things differently now 我现在对事物的看法与过去不同了 16 tr. experience; have presented to one's attention 经历 I never thought I would see this day 我从没想过我要经历这一天 17 tr. recognize as acceptable; foresee 允许;预见 do you see your daughter marrying this man? 你允许你的女儿与这个男子结婚吗? 18 tr. observe without interfering 任凭;听凭 stood by and saw them squander my money …袖手旁观任凭他们挥霍我的金钱 19 tr. find attractive 认为…有魅力 can't think what she sees in him 难以想像她究竟看上他哪一点 20 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to, or that + infin.) make provision for; ensure; attend to (cf. 参见 see to it) 办理;保证;照料 shall see to your request immediately …将立即考虑你的请求; see that he gets home safely 确保他安全到家 21 tr. escort or conduct (to a place etc.) 陪伴;护送 saw them home 护送他们回家 22 tr. be a witness of (an event etc.) 目睹(事件等) see the New Year in 亲眼目睹新年的到来 23 tr. supervise (an action etc.) 检查;监督(行动等) will stay and see the doors locked 将留下来检查门是否已锁好 24 tr.a (in gambling, esp. poker) equal (a bet) (赌博,尤指打扑克)下相同的赌注 b equal the bet of (a player), esp. to see the player's cards (尤指要求对方摊牌而)下相同的赌注 □ as far as I can see to the best of my understanding or belief 就我所知 □ as I see it in my opinion 我认为;我的看法是 □ do you see? do you understand? 你懂了吗? □ has seen better days has declined from former prosperity, good condition, etc. 今不如昔;往日辉煌已逝 □ I'll be seeing you colloq. an expression on parting [口]回见;再见 □ I see I understand (referring to an explanation etc.) 我明白了 □ let me see an appeal for time to think before speaking etc. 让我想一想,让我考虑一下 □ see about attend to 料理;办理;安排 □ see after 1 take care of 照顾;照料 2 = see about □ see the back of Brit. colloq. be rid of (an unwanted person or thing) [英口]摆脱(讨嫌的人或物) □ see a person damned first Brit. colloq. refuse categorically and with hostility to do what a person wants [英口] (有敌意地)坚决拒绝 □ see eye to eye see 见 EYE □ see fit see 见 FIT1 □ see here! calling attention, expressing a protest, etc. 喂(引起注意,表示不满等) □ see into investigate 调查 □ see life gain experience of the world, often by enjoying oneself 体验生活,见世面 □ see the light 1 realize one's mistakes etc. 认识到(自己的错误等) 2 suddenly see the way to proceed (突然)发现继续进行的方法 3 undergo religious conversion 开始笃信宗教 □ see the light of day (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) come into existence 问世;面世 □ see off 1 be present at the departure of (a person) 送别;送行 saw them off at Heathrow 到希思罗机场为他们送行 2 Brit. colloq. ward off, get the better of [英口]避开;占上风 managed to see off an investigation into their working methods 设法避开了对他们工作方法的调查 □ see out 1 accompany out of a building etc. 送(客)出门 2 Brit. finish (a project etc.) completely 圆满完成(项目等) 3 Brit. remain awake, alive, etc., until the end of (a period) [英]看…直到终场;活到…的结束 4 Brit. last longer than; outlive [英]持续得比…长久;活得比…长久 □ see over inspect; tour and examine 检查;巡视 □ see reason see 见 REASON □ see red become suddenly enraged 突然发怒 □ see a person right Brit. colloq. make sure that a person is rewarded, safe, etc. [英口]确认(某人)已得到酬谢(或已安全等) □ see service see 见 SERVICE1 □ see stars colloq. see lights before one's eyes as a result of a blow on the head [口] (因头部遭击打而)眼冒金星 □ see things have hallucinations or false imaginings 产生幻觉 □ see through 1 not be deceived by; detect the true nature of 看穿;看透;识破 2 penetrate visually 透视 □ see a person through support a person during a difficult time 帮助某人(渡过)难关 □ see a thing through persist with it until it is completed 坚持做完某事 □ see to it (foll. by 后跟 that + clause) ensure (cf. sense 20 of v. 参见动词释义 20) 确保;务必 see to it that I am not disturbed 务必使我不受干扰 □ see one's way clear to feel able or entitled to (感到)能够(或有资格)做某事 □ see the world see 见 WORLD □ see you (or see you later) colloq. an expression on parting [口]再见 □ we shall see 1 let us await the outcome 让我们等待结果 2 a formula for declining to act at once (拒绝立即行动的说法)等着瞧;等等看 □ will see about it a formula for declining to act at once 等着瞧 □ you see 1 you understand 你知道 2 you will understand when I explain 我一解释你就会明白了 □ seeable adj.[Old English sēon, from Germanic] |