

单词 heavy
释义 heavy/ˈhevi/ adj., n. & adv.adj. (heavier, heaviest) 1 of great or exceptionally high weight; difficult to lift 重的,沉的 2a of great density 密度大的 b Physics having a greater than the usual mass (esp. of isotopes and compounds containing them) 【物理学】重的(尤指同位素及含同位素的化合物) 3 abundant, considerable 大量的,多的 a heavy crop 大丰收 4 severe, intense, extensive, excessive 严峻的;强烈的;广泛的;过分的 heavy fighting 激战; a heavy sleep 沉睡 5 doing something to excess 无节制的 a heavy drinker 酗酒者 6a striking or falling with force 用力的 heavy blows 强力的打击; heavy rain 大雨 b (of the sea) having large powerful waves (海洋)波浪汹涌的 7 (of rock music etc.) highly amplified with a strong beat (摇滚音乐等)节奏强烈的 8 (of machinery, artillery, etc.) very large of its kind; large in calibre etc. (机器、大炮等)大型的;口径大的 9 causing a strong impact 导致沉重撞击的;重重的 a heavy fall 沉重的倒下 10 needing much physical effort 费力的 heavy work 繁重的工作 11 (foll. by 后跟 with) laden 装满的;负载的 12 carrying heavy weapons 装备重武器的 the heavy brigade 重装备旅 13a (of a speech, writing, etc.) serious or sombre in tone or attitude; dull, tedious (演讲、写作等)严肃的;乏味的,单调的 b (of a person) sternly repressive (指人)忧郁的;压抑的 heavy father 忧郁的父亲 14a (of food) hard to digest (食物)难消化的 b (of a literary work etc.) hard to read or understand (文学作品等)深奥的;难懂的 15 intellectually slow 迟钝的 16 (of bread etc.) too dense from not having risen (面包等)不松软的;未发起的 17 (of ground) difficult to traverse or work (指地面)泥泞难走的 18 oppressive; hard to endure 感觉沉重的,难以忍受的 a heavy fate 悲惨的命运; heavy demands 过多的需求 19a coarse, ungraceful 粗俗的;下流的 heavy features 面目可憎 b unwieldy 拙笨的 n. (pl. -ies) 1 colloq. a large violent person; a thug []恶棍;暴徒 2 a villainous or tragic role or actor in a play etc. 反派角色;悲剧角色 3 (usu. in pl. 通常用复数) Brit. colloq. a serious newspaper [英口]严肃的报刊 4 anything large or heavy of its kind, e.g. a vehicle 大型;重型(如机动车) 5 slang strong beer, esp. bitter [俚语] (尤指苦涩且度数高的)啤酒 adv. heavily (esp. in comb. 尤用于复合词 : heavy-laden 负载沉重地) 沉重地 heavy on using a lot of 大量使用的 heavy on petrol 大量使用石油 make heavy weather of see WEATHER heavily adv. heaviness n. heavyish adj.[Old English hefig from Germanic: related to HEAVE]




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