

单词 stage
释义 stage/steidʒ/ n. & v.n. 1 a point or period in a process or development 阶段,时期 reached a critical stage 到了一个关键阶段; is in the larval stage 正处于幼虫期 2a a raised floor or platform, esp. one on which plays etc. are performed before an audience 高台,(尤指)舞台 b (prec. by 前接 the) the acting or theatrical profession; the art of writing or presenting plays 戏剧,戏剧工作;戏剧艺术 c the scene of action (活动)场所,(活动)舞台 the stage of politics 政治舞台 d = LANDING STAGE 3a a regular stopping place on a route 站,驿站 b the distance between two stopping places 驿站间距离 c Brit. [] = FARE STAGE 4 a section of a rocket with a separate engine, jettisoned when its propellant is exhausted (火箭的) 5 Geol. a range of strata forming a subdivision of a series 【地质】(地层或岩层的)阶,期 6 Electronics a single amplifying transistor or valve with the associated equipment 【电子学】(放大晶体管的一)级;单向阀 7 a raised plate on which an object is placed for inspection through a microscope (显微镜的)镜台 v. tr. 1 present (a play etc.) on stage 演出,上演(一部戏剧等) 2 arrange the occurrence of 举办,举行,筹划,谋划 staged a demonstration 举行示威; staged a comeback 卷土重来 go on the stage become an actor 当演员 hold the stage dominate a conversation etc. 控制谈话() set the stage (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) prepare the way or conditions for (an event etc.) (某事件等)做好准备,创造条件 stageable adj. stageability /-dʒəˈbiliti/ n. stager n.[Middle English from Old French estage ‘dwelling’, ultimately from Latin stare ‘stand’]




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