

单词 heart
释义 heart/hɑ:t/n. 1 a hollow muscular organ maintaining the circulation of blood by rhythmic contraction and dilation 心脏;心 2 the region of the heart; the breast 3a the heart regarded as the centre of thought, feeling, and emotion (esp. love) 内心;心灵 b a person's capacity for feeling emotion 感情;心境 has no heart 冷酷无情 4a courage or enthusiasm 热情;精神 take heart 振作起来; lose heart 失去信心(或勇气) b one's mood or feeling 心情,感觉 change of heart 情绪变化 5a the central or innermost part of something 中心 b the vital part or essence 要点,实质 the heart of the matter 问题的实质 6 the close compact head of a cabbage, lettuce, etc. 菜心 7a a heart-shaped thing 心形物 b a conventional representation of a heart with two equal curves meeting at a point at the bottom and a cusp at the top 心的图形(用双瓣状表示) 8a a playing card of a suit denoted by a red figure of a heart (纸牌)红心牌 b (in pl. 用复数) this suit 红心 c (in pl. 用复数) a card game in which players avoid taking tricks containing a card of this suit 红心牌戏(玩者须避免吃进红心牌墩) 9 condition of land as regards fertility 土地的肥沃程度 in good heart 土地肥沃的 after one's own heart such as one likes or desires 合心愿的;称心的 at heart 1 in one's inmost feelings 内心里 2 basically, essentially 实质上;本质上 break a person's heart overwhelm a person with sorrow 伤心 by heart in or from memory 记忆中 close to (or near) one's heart 1 dear to one 为人所爱的 2 affecting one deeply 感人的,动人的 from the heart (or the bottom of one's heart) sincerely, profoundly 真诚的;真挚的 give (or lose) one's heart (often foll. by 常后跟 to) fall in love (with) 爱上,倾心于 have a heart be merciful 发慈悲 have the heart (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用; foll. by 后跟 to + infin.) be insensitive or hard-hearted enough 有勇气做 didn't have the heart to ask him 不敢去问他 have (or put) one's heart in (or into) be (or become) keenly involved in or committed to (an enterprise etc.) 关心,专注于 have one's heart in one's mouth be greatly alarmed or apprehensive 吃了一惊;吓得要命 have one's heart in the right place be sincere or well-intentioned 心地好的;友善的 heart of gold a generous nature 大方的;善良的 heart of oak a courageous nature 勇敢的 heart of stone a stern or cruel nature 冷酷的,无情的 heart to heart candidly, intimately 心心相印的;真诚的 in heart Brit. in good spirits []情绪高昂的 in one's heart of hearts in one's inmost feelings 内心深处的 out of heart Brit. in low spirits []情绪低沉 take to heart be much affected or distressed by 忧虑,伤心 to one's heart's content see CONTENT1 wear one's heart on one's sleeve make one's feelings apparent 流露感情;过于直率 with all one's heart sincerely; with all goodwill 真心实意地 with one's whole heart with enthusiasm; without doubts or reservations 全心全意地 hearted adj.[Old English heorte, from Germanic]




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