释义 |
school1/sku:l/ n. & v.●n. 1a an institution for educating or giving instruction, esp. Brit. for children under 19 years, or N. Amer. for any level of instruction including college or university 学校 ([尤英] 19 岁以下的孩子上学的学校;[北美]任何层次的教育,也包括学院和大学) b (作 attrib.) associated with or for use in school 学校的 a school bag 书包; school dinners 校餐 2a the buildings used by such an institution 校舍 b the pupils, staff, etc. of a school 全校师生 c the time during which teaching is done, or the teaching itself 上课时间;教学 no school today 今天没课 3a a branch of study with separate examinations at a university; a department or faculty (大学的)学科;学院;系 the history school 历史系 b Brit. the hall in which university examinations are held [英] (大学的)考场 c (in pl. 用复数) Brit. such examinations [英]大学考试 4a the disciples, imitators, or followers of a philosopher, artist, etc. (哲学家、艺术家等的)崇奉者,模仿者,追随者 the school of Epicurus 伊壁鸠鲁的崇奉者们 b a group of artists etc. whose works share distinctive characteristics (艺术等的)流派;学派 c a group of people sharing a cause, principle, method, etc. (事业、主义、方法等)流派 school of thought 思想流派 5 Brit. a group of gamblers or of persons drinking together [英]一群赌友;一群酒友 a poker school 一伙扑克牌友 6 colloq. instructive or disciplinary circumstances, occupation, etc. [口]指导(或培训) (场所)等 the school of adversity 逆境训练; learnt in a hard school 在磨难中学习 7 hist. a medieval lecture room [史义] (中世纪的)讲堂 8 Mus. 【音】 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) a handbook or book of instruction 教材 school of counterpoint 对位声部教材 9 (in pl. 用复数; prec. by 前接 the) hist. medieval universities, their teachers, disputations, etc. [史义] (中世纪的)大学;大学教师;辩论练习等 ●v. tr. 1 send to school; provide for the education of 使…受学校教育;负担…教育费用 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) discipline; train; control 培养;训练 3 (as 作 schooled adj.) (foll. by 后跟 in) educated or trained 教育的;训练的 schooled in humility 在谦恭方面有素养 □ at (US [美] in) school attending lessons etc. 在上课;在上学 □ go to school 1 begin one's education 开始上学 2 attend lessons 上学;上课 □ leave school finish one's education 毕业 □ of the old school according to former and esp. better tradition 符合传统美德的 a gentleman of the old school 有传统美德的绅士 □ school of hard knocks experience gained from adversity 从逆境中获得的人生体验 [Old English scōl, scolu, ultimately via Latin schola ‘school’ from Greek skholē ‘leisure, disputation, philosophy, lecture-place’, reinforced in Middle English by Old French escole] |