

单词 scholastic
释义 scholastic/skəˈlæstik/ adj. & n.adj. 1 of or concerning universities, schools, education, teachers, etc. 大学的;学校的;教育的;教师的 2 pedantic; formal 学者的;正式的 shows scholastic precision 显示出学者的一丝不苟 3 Philos. hist. of, resembling, or concerning the schoolmen, esp. in dealing with logical subtleties 【哲】[史义] (尤指对待逻辑精微之处时)经院哲学的 n. 1 Philos. hist. a schoolman 【哲】[史义]经院哲学家 2 hist. a theologian of scholastic tendencies [史义] (有经院哲学倾向的)神学家 3 RC Ch. a member of any of several religious orders, who is between the novitiate and the priesthood 【天主教】待受神职者 scholastically adv. scholasticism /-siz(ə)m/ n.[Latin scholasticus from Greek skholastikos ‘studious’, via skholazō ‘be at leisure, devote one's leisure to study’ from skholē: see SCHOOL1]




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