

单词 scan
释义 scan/skæn/ v. & n.v. (scanned, scanning) 1 tr. look at intently or quickly 审视;浏览 scanned the horizon 凝望地平线; scanned the speech for errors 浏览发言稿看有无错误 2 intr. (of a verse etc.) be metrically correct; be capable of being recited etc. metrically (诗等)符合格律;韵节合拍 this line doesn't scan 这行诗句不合韵律 3 tr.a examine all parts of (a surface etc.) to detect radioactivity etc. 检查(表面等)以探出(放射等) b cause (a particular region) to be traversed by a radar etc. beam (用雷达光束等)扫描 4 tr. resolve (a picture) into its elements of light and shade in a pre-arranged pattern for the purposes esp. of television transmission (尤指为电视发射)扫描;扫掠 5 tr. test the metre of (a line of verse etc.) by reading with the emphasis on its rhythm, or by examining the number of feet etc. 分析(诗的)韵律 6 tr.a make a scan of (the body or part of it) 扫描检查(身体或身体部位) b examine (a patient etc.) with a scanner (用扫描仪器)检查(患者等) n. 1 the act or an instance of scanning 细审;浏览;扫描 2 an image obtained by scanning or with a scanner (用扫描方法或扫描仪器得到的)扫描图像 scannable adj.[Middle English from Latin scandere ‘climb’: in Late Latin = scan (verses), with allusion to the raising of one's foot in marking rhythm]




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