释义 |
hang/hæŋ/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. hung /hʌŋ/ except in sense 7 释义 7 除外) 1 tr.a secure or cause to be supported from above, esp. with the lower part free 使吊起 b (foll. by 后跟 up, on, on to, etc.) attach loosely by suspending from the top 悬挂 2 tr. set up (a door, gate, etc.) on its hinges so that it moves freely (给门等)安装铰链 3 tr. place (a picture) on a wall or in an exhibition (将画)悬挂(在墙上或展厅) 4 tr. attach (wallpaper) in vertical strips to a wall 贴(墙纸) 5 tr. (foll. by 后跟 on) colloq. attach the blame for (a thing) to (a person) [口]责怪 you can't hang that on me 你不能将这件事怪在我头上 6 tr. (foll. by 后跟 with) decorate by hanging pictures or decorations etc. (用挂画或装饰品等)装饰 a hall hung with tapestries 挂毯装饰的大厅 7 tr. & intr. (past and past part. hanged)a suspend or be suspended by the neck until dead, esp. as a form of capital punishment 绞死;吊死 b as a mild oath 该死(用于诅咒语) hang the expense 该死的费用; let everything go hang 让一切见鬼去吧 8 tr. let droop 使垂下;使低下 hang one's head 垂下头 9 tr. suspend (meat or game) from a hook and leave it until dry or tender or high 晾挂(肉或野味) 10 intr. be or remain hung (in various senses) 悬挂着;吊着 11 intr. remain static in the air (在空中)悬浮,漂浮 12 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 over) be present or imminent, esp. oppressively or threateningly 笼罩,逼近 a hush hung over the room 室内一片寂静 13 intr. (foll. by 后跟 on)a be contingent or dependent on 有赖于;取决于 everything hangs on the discussions 一切取决于讨论的结果 b listen closely to 倾听,注意听 hangs on their every word 仔细听他们的每一句话 ●n. 1 the way a thing hangs or falls 悬挂 2 a downward droop or bend 下垂;低垂 □ be hung up slang be emotionally confused or disturbed [俚语] (感情上)使困惑;使烦扰 □ be hung up on slang have a psychological or emotional obsession or problem about [俚语]使产生(心理上或感情上的)问题;迷恋 is really hung up on her father 真的迷上了她的父亲 □ get the hang of colloq. understand the technique or meaning of [口]掌握;熟悉;懂得 □ hang around (also Brit. [亦英] about) 1a loiter or dally; not move away 闲荡;逗留,徘徊 b linger near (a person or place) 呆在(某地);围在(某人)周围 c wait 等待 2 (foll. by 后跟 with) associate with (a person etc.) (和某人)在一起;厮混 □ hang back 1 show reluctance to act or move 畏缩,踌躇不前 2 remain behind 落在后面 □ hang fire be slow in taking action or in progressing 延迟;犹豫不决 □ hang heavily (or heavy) (of time) pass slowly (指时间)过得慢 □ hang in esp. N. Amer. colloq. [尤北美口] 1 persist, persevere 坚持下去;不泄气 2 linger 闲逛;逗留 □ hang on 1 colloq. continue or persevere, esp. with difficulty [口] (尤指在困难中)坚持,不放弃 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) continue to hold or grasp 紧紧握住;抓住不放 3 (foll. by 常后跟 to) retain; fail to give back 保留;持续 4a colloq. wait for a short time [口]等待片刻 b (in telephoning) continue to listen during a pause in the conversation (电话)不挂断 □ hang out 1 hang from a window, clothes line, etc. (从窗口、在晾衣绳上等)挂出;晾出 2 protrude or cause to protrude downwards (向下)伸出 3 (foll. by 后跟 of) lean out of (a window etc.) 探出(窗外) 4 slang reside or be often present [俚语]居住;经常出没 □ hang together 1 make sense 符合逻辑;连贯,一致 2 remain associated 团结一致,相互合作 □ hang up 1 hang from a hook, peg, etc. 挂起 2 end a telephone conversation, esp. (foll. by 后跟 on) abruptly (尤指突然)挂断电话 then he hung up on me 然后他挂断了我的电话 3a cause delay or difficulty to 推迟,拖延;搁置 b slang confuse or disturb emotionally [俚语]困扰,烦扰 □ let it all hang out slang be uninhibited or relaxed [俚语]不拘礼节;轻松随便 □ not care (or give) a hang colloq. not care at all [口]一点不在意 [partly from Old Norse transitive verb hanga = Old English hōn, partly from Old English intransitive verb hangian, from Germanic] |