

单词 guest
释义 guest/ɡest/ n. & v.n. 1 a person invited to visit another's house or have a meal etc. at the expense of the inviter 客人,宾客 2 a person lodging at a hotel, boarding house, etc. 住在旅店(寄宿公寓等)的人 3a an outside performer invited to take part with a regular body of performers 客串演员;特邀演出者 b a person who takes part by invitation in a radio or television programme 电台、电视台的特邀佳宾 often 常作 attrib.: guest artist 特邀艺术家 4 ( attrib.)a serving or set aside for guests 为客人准备的 guest room 客房; guest night 俱乐部等社团招待来宾的夜晚;来宾之夜 b acting as a guest 客座 guest speaker 客座或特邀演讲者 5 an organism living in close association with another 寄生生物,寄生虫 v. intr. be a guest on a radio or television show or in a theatrical performance etc. (在电台或电视台的节目中)客串 be my guest colloq. make what use you wish of the available facilities []请便 guest of honour the most important guest at an occasion 贵宾 guestship n.[Middle English via Old Norse gestr from Germanic]




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