

单词 rush
释义 rush1/rʌʃ/ v. & n.v. 1 intr. go, move, or act precipitately or with great speed 冲,奔;迅速移动(或运动),猛然行动 2 tr. move or transport with great haste 使匆促行进;急送 was rushed to hospital 被火速送往医院 3 intr. (foll. by 后跟 at)a move suddenly and quickly towards 突然冲向,突然奔向 b begin impetuously 匆忙开始,冒然开始,妄动 4 tr. perform or deal with hurriedly 仓促执行,仓促完成,匆忙处理 don't rush your dinner 别急急忙忙地吃饭; the bill was rushed through Parliament 议案被议会匆匆通过 5 tr. force (a person) to act hastily 催促,使赶紧 6 tr. attack or capture by sudden assault 突袭;突破;攻占 7 tr. Amer. Football charge in order to hinder (esp. the quarterback) 【美式橄榄球】(尤指对四分卫)跑动阻截 8 tr. Brit. slang overcharge (a customer) [] [俚语](顾客)敲竹杠 9 tr. US pay attentions to (a person), esp. when recruiting for a fraternity or sorority [] (尤指大学生联谊会新收会员时)(某人)关注 10 tr. pass (an obstacle) with a rapid dash 冲越(障碍) 11 intr. flow, fall, spread, or roll impetuously or fast 急速地涌流(掉落、扩展、滚动等) felt the blood rush to my face 感到血一下子涌上我的脸; the river rushes past 河水奔腾而过 n. 1a an act of rushing; a violent advance or attack 冲,奔,迅速行动;猛进,突袭 b a sudden flow or flood 奔涌,突然泛滥 2 a period of great activity 繁忙时刻,高峰时期 3 ( attrib.) done with great haste or speed 匆忙,仓促 a rush job 匆忙完成的活 4 a sudden migration of large numbers 大批而突然的迁移(或迁徙) 5 (foll. by 后跟 on, for) a sudden strong demand for a commodity (对某商品)需求的激增;争购 6 (in pl. 用复数) colloq. the first prints of a film after a period of shooting [] (电影)工作样片 7 Football, Rugby, etc. 【足球】【英式橄榄球】a a combined dash by one or several players with the ball 带球配合突破 b Amer. Football an act of charging at usu. the quarterback 【美式橄榄球】(通常指对四分卫的)跑动阻截 rush one's fences Brit. act with undue haste []鲁莽;过于匆忙 rusher n. rushingly adv.[Middle English from Anglo-French russher, = Old French ruser, russer: see RUSE]




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