

单词 go
释义 go1/ɡəʊ/ v., n. & adj.v. (3rd sing. present goes /ɡəʊz/; past went /went/; past part. gone /ɡɒn/) 1 intr.a start moving or be moving from one place or point in time to another; travel, proceed 去;旅行;前进,行进 b (foll. by 后跟 to + infin., or and + verb) proceed in order to 为某目的而前去,前行 went to find him 前去找他; go and buy some bread 去买些面包 c (foll. by 后跟 and + verb) colloq. expressing annoyance []表示烦恼 you went and told him 你去告诉他吧; they've gone and broken it 他们已毁约离去; she went and won 她一去就嬴了 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 verbal noun) make a special trip for; participate in; proceed to do 专程去做某事;参加;前去做某事 went skiing 去滑雪; then went shopping 然后去买东西; often goes running 经常去跑步 3 intr. lie or extend in a certain direction 通向,达到,延伸至 the road goes to London 这条公路通往伦敦 4 intr. leave; depart 离开;离去 they had to go 他们不得不走了 5 intr. move, act, work, etc. 移动,活动,工作等 the clock doesn't go 这钟表停了; his brain is going all the time 他的大脑在不停地思考 6 intr.a make a specified movement 做出规定的运动 go like this with your foot 让你的脚这样走 b make a sound (of a specified kind) 发出某种声音 the gun went bang 枪砰的一声响了; the cow went ‘moo’ 那头牛“哞哞”地叫着 c (of a bell etc.) make a sound in functioning (铃声等)发出功能性响声 an ambulance with its sirens going 一辆救护车尖声鸣笛; the doorbell went 门铃响了 d colloq. say [] so he goes to me ‘Why didn't you like it?’ 他向我问到:“你为什么不喜欢呢?” 7 intr. be in a specified state 处于某种状态 go hungry 饿了; went in fear of his life 他吓得不得了 8 intr.a pass into a specified condition 进入某种状态,变为 gone bad 已经坏了; went mad 发狂; went to sleep 睡下了 b colloq. die [] c proceed or escape in a specified condition 进入或摆脱某种状况 the poet went unrecognized 那位诗人无人欣赏; the crime went unnoticed 这桩罪行无人知晓 9 intr. (of time or distance) pass, elapse; be traversed (指时间或距离)过去,消逝;走过,横贯,穿过 ten days to go before Easter 离复活节还有 10 天; the last mile went quickly 最后的 1 英里过得很快 10 intr.a (of a document, verse, song, etc.) have a specified content or wording; run (文献、诗、歌等)有某种内容或言辞的 the tune goes like this 那曲子是这样的 b be current or accepted 被普遍接受的 so the story goes 据说 c be suitable; fit; match 合适;适当;相配 the shoes don't go with the hat 这鞋和那帽子不搭配 d be regularly kept or put 放,置,摆,在(通常或应在的位置) the forks go here 那些餐叉放在这儿 e fit; be accommodated 合适;装(进某物中) this won't go into the cupboard 柜厨里装不下这东西 11 intr.a turn out, proceed; take a course or view 发生;出现;结果;进行 things went well 事情进展顺利 Liverpool went Labour 工党在利物浦竞选得胜 b be successful 胜利,成功 make the party go 使晚会成功; went like a bomb 大获成功 c progress 行进,进展 we've still a long way to go 我们还有很长的路要走 12 intr.a be sold 出售,卖掉 went for 1 卖了 1 英镑; went cheap 贱卖 b (of money) be spent 花费 200 went on a new jacket 一件新外衣花了 200 英镑 13 intr.a be relinquished, dismissed, or abolished 被放弃、解雇或废除 the car will have to go 这辆车得扔掉了 b fail, decline; give way, collapse 衰退,消失;退让,崩溃 his sight is going 他的视力衰退了; the bulb has gone 灯泡坏了 14 intr. be acceptable or permitted; be accepted without question 可接受的或被允许的;被完全接纳的 anything goes 什么都可以; what I say goes 我的话算数 15 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 by, with, on, upon) be guided by; judge or act on or in harmony with 遵照…行动;参照…行事 have nothing to go on 没有任何东西可以参照; a good rule to go by 应该遵守的良好规则 16 intr. attend or visit or travel to regularly 定期参加,访问或前往 goes to church 去教堂做礼拜; goes to school 去上学; this train goes to Bristol 这是开往布里斯托尔的火车 17 intr. (foll. by 后跟 pres. part.) colloq. proceed (often foolishly) to do []前去做某事(常指愚蠢地) went running to the police 向警察跑去; don't go making him angry 别去招惹他 18 intr. act or proceed to a certain point 做到或达到某一点(或某一程度) will go so far and no further 只能到此为止; went as high as 100 涨到 100 英镑之高 19 intr. (of a number) be capable of being contained in another (算术的)除得整数商 6 into 12 goes twice 6 12 2 6 into 5 won't go 6 5 不能除尽 20 tr. Cards bid; declare 【牌戏】叫牌 go nap 自报满贯; has gone two spades 叫了两张黑桃 21 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) be allotted or awarded; pass 归,落入…手;将某物递给某人 first prize went to the girl 那个女孩得了一等奖; the job went to his rival 他的竞争对手得到了那个工作 22 intr. (foll. by 后跟 to, towards) amount to; contribute to 总共,合成;有助于,趋向于 12 inches go to make a foot 12 英寸等于 1 码; this will go towards your holiday 这对你的假期会有用 23 intr. (in imper. 用于祈使句) begin motion 开始运动 (a starter's order in a race 如比赛开始的命令) ready, steady, go! 各就位,预备,跑 ! 24 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) refer or appeal 求助(),诉诸 go to him for help 求助于他 25 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) take up a specified profession 从事某一职业 went on the stage 从事舞台事业; gone soldiering 参军; went to sea 当海员 26 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 by, under) be known or called 被称作,被叫做 goes by the name of Droopy 被大家叫做 Droopy 27 tr. colloq. proceed to [] go jump in the lake 滚开,别来讨厌 28 intr. (foll. by 后跟 for) apply to; have relevance for 有效,适用;有关 that goes for me too 对我也是一样 n. (pl. goes) 1 the act or an instance of going 去,进行 2 mettle; spirit; dash; animation 耐力,勇气;精神;干劲;活力 she has a lot of go in her 她精力充沛 3 vigorous activity 积极行动 it's all go 一切顺利 4 colloq. a success []成功 made a go of it 干得很好,很成功 5 colloq. a turn; an attempt []干一下;试一下 I'll have a go 我来试试; it's my go 该我了; all in one go 一口气 6 esp. Brit. colloq. a state of affairs [尤英口]事情(尤指棘手的事) a rum go 怪事,可疑的事 7 esp. Brit. colloq. an attack of illness [尤英口] (疾病的)侵袭,发作 a bad go of flu 很严重的流感 8 esp. Brit. colloq. a quantity of liquor, food, etc. served at one time [尤英口]一杯(),一份(食品) adj. colloq. [] 1 functioning properly 运行正常的 all systems are go 所有系统全部正常 2 fashionable; progressive 流行的;进步的,前进的 all the go Brit. colloq. in fashion [英口]风靡一时 as (or so) far as it goes an expression of caution against taking a statement too positively 到目前为止 the work is good as far as it goes 目前为止一切顺利 as (a person or thing) goes as the average is 一般水平 a good actor as actors go 水平还不错的演员 from the word go colloq. from the very beginning []最初 give it a go colloq. make an effort to succeed []努力使成功 go about 1 busy oneself with; set to work at 从事;干,做 2 be socially active 忙于社交 3 (foll. by 后跟 pres. part.) make a habit of doing 惯于 goes about telling lies 惯于撒谎 4 Naut. change to an opposite tack 【海】改变航向 go against 1 be contrary to 违反 goes against my principles 有违我的原则 2 have an unfavourable result for 结果不利于 decision went against them 决定对他们不利 go ahead proceed without hesitation 继续前进,取得进展 go along with agree to; take the same view as 赞同;观点一致 go around 1 (foll. by 后跟 with) be regularly in the company of 经常与某人来往 2 = go about 3 go-as-you-please untrammelled; free 毫无束缚;完全自由 go at take in hand energetically; attack 精力充沛地开始干;着手干 go away depart, esp. from home for a holiday etc. 离开(尤指外出度假) go back 1 return (to) 回到,返回 2 extend backwards in space or time (时间或空间上)倒退,回到 goes back to the 18th century 回到 18 世纪 3 (of the hour, a clock, etc.) be set to an earlier standard time (将时间、钟表等)拨回,倒拨 the clocks go back in the autumn 在秋天将钟表回复到冬令时 go back on fail to keep (one's word, promise, etc.) 不履行诺言,食言,失信 go bail see BAIL1 go begging see BEG go by 1 pass 过去,经过 2 be dependent on; be guided by 依靠,依赖;遵照,依照 go by default see DEFAULT go down 1a (of an amount) become less (指量的)减少,减小 the coffee has gone down a lot 咖啡已经用去了不少 b subside 落下,退下 the flood went down 洪水已退下 c decrease in price; lose value 降价,跌价;失去价值 2a (of a ship) sink (指船)沉没 b (of the sun) set (指太阳)落下 3 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) be continued to a specified point 继续到(某处,某点) 4 deteriorate; fail; (of a computer network etc.) cease to function 恶化;失败;(指计算机系统等)出故障 5 be recorded in writing 用文字记录下,记下 6 be swallowed 咽下,吞下 7 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) find acceptance 被接受,受欢迎 8 Brit. colloq. leave university [英口]大学毕业,离开大学 9 Brit. colloq. be sent to prison [英口]入狱,坐牢 went down for ten years 蹲了 10 年监狱 10 (often foll. by 常后跟 before) fall (before a conqueror) (在征服者面前)屈服 go down with Brit. begin to suffer from (a disease) []() go Dutch see DUTCH go far be very successful 非常成功 go for 1 go to fetch 去拿 2 be accounted as or achieve 被认为;适合;取得 went for nothing 毫无收获 3 prefer; choose 喜欢;选择 that's the one I go for 那正是我想要的 4 colloq. strive to attain []努力争取,尽力求得 go for it! 那就去呀 ! 5 colloq. attack []攻击 the dog went for him 狗向他冲过去 go forward 1 proceed, progress 行进,前进 go forward into the next round 进入下一轮 2 (of the hour, a clock, etc.) be set to a later time, esp. summer time (将时间、钟表等)拨快(尤指在夏天将钟表拨到夏令时) go great guns see GUN go halves (or shares) (often foll. by 常后跟 with) share equally 平均分配 go in 1 enter a room, house, etc. 进入(房间,房屋等) 2 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) enter as a competitor 参赛 3 Cricket take or begin an innings 【板球】入场击球,开始一场比赛 4 (of the sun etc.) become obscured by cloud (指太阳等)被云遮住 go in for take as one's object, style, pursuit, principle, etc. 追求,爱好;主张,赞成 going!, gone! an auctioneer's announcement that bidding is closing or closed (拍卖用语)要卖了!卖掉了 ! go into 1 enter (a place); go to stay in (hospital etc.) 进入(某处);住进(医院等) 2 pass into (a state or condition) 进入(某种状况或情况) he has gone into hiding 他躲起来了; the company went into liquidation 公司清算破产了 3 investigate 调查 4 (of resources etc.) be invested in (指资源等)被投资 a lot of effort went into this 已经就此做了大量的努力 5 start a career or interest in 开始某一职业;开始对某事感兴趣 6 dress oneself in (mourning etc.) 身着(丧服等) go it Brit. colloq. [英口] 1 act vigorously, furiously, etc. 使劲干,拼命干,莽撞 2 indulge in dissipation 放荡,挥霍 go it alone see ALONE go it strong Brit. colloq. go to great lengths; exaggerate [英口]竭尽全力,做得过份 go a long way 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 towards) have a great effect; contribute or progress significantly 影响极大;明显促成或进展 2 (of food, money, etc.) last a long time, buy much (指食品、钱等)能维持很久,能买很多 3 = go far go off 1 explode 爆炸 2 leave the stage (指演员)退场,下场 3 gradually cease to be felt 被渐渐淡忘 4 (esp. of foodstuffs) deteriorate; decompose (尤指食物)变质;腐烂 5 go to sleep; become unconscious 入睡;失去知觉 6 begin 开始 7 (of an alarm) begin to sound (指警报器)发出声音,开始报警 8 die 9 be got rid of by sale etc. 卖掉 10 Brit. colloq. begin to dislike [英口]开始不喜欢… I've gone off him 我开始不喜欢他了 go off at Austral. & NZ slang reprimand, scold [澳新] [俚语]训斥,责骂 go off well (or badly etc.) (of an enterprise etc.) be received or accomplished well (or badly etc.) (指企业等)运作成功(或失败等) go on 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 pres. part.) continue, persevere 继续,坚持 decided to go on with it 决定进行下去; went on trying 继续尝试; unable to go on 不能进行下去 2 colloq. []a talk at great length 长篇大论 b (foll. by 后跟 at) admonish 责备 went on and on at him 没完没了地埋怨他 3 (foll. by 后跟 to + infin.) proceed 继续进行 went on to become a star 继续成长为明星 4 happen 发生 5 conduct oneself 行为,表现 shameful, the way they went on 他们的表现可真丢人 6 Theatr. appear on stage 【戏】上场,出场 7 Cricket begin bowling 【板球】开始投球 8 (of a garment) be large enough for its wearer (指服装)够大 9 take one's turn to do something 轮到某人做某事 10 (also 亦作 go upon) Brit. colloq. use as evidence [英口]以某事为依据形成意见或判断 police don't have anything to go on 警方无任何依据做出判断 11 (esp. in neg. 尤用于否定句) colloq. []a concern oneself about 忙于(某事) b care for 爱好,喜好 don't go much on red hair 别太热衷红头发 12 become chargeable to (the parish etc.) (教区等)支付生活费 go on! colloq. an expression of encouragement or disbelief []表示鼓励或不相信 go out 1 leave a room, house, etc. 离开房间,房屋等 2 be broadcast 被播出 3 be extinguished 被扑灭,被消灭 4 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) have a sexual relationship (某人)有性关系 5 (of a government) leave office (指一届政府)离政,下台 6 cease to be fashionable 过时,不再流行 7 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) depart, esp. to a colony etc. 起程(尤指去殖民地等) 8 colloq. lose consciousness []失去知觉 9 (of workers) strike (指工人)罢工 10 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) (of the heart etc.) expand with sympathy etc. towards (指情感等)充满(对某人的)同情等 my heart goes out to them 我对他们深表同情 11 Golf play the first nine holes in a round 【高尔夫球】(一轮)打头 9 12 Cards be the first to dispose of one's hand 【牌戏】第一个打完手中的牌 13 (of a tide) ebb; recede to low tide (指潮水)退潮;落潮 go over 1 inspect the details of; rehearse; retouch 仔细查看;演习;润色 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) change one's allegiance or religion 改变(某人的)拥护,忠诚或宗教信仰 3 (of a play etc.) be received, esp. favourably (指戏剧等)受到认可(尤指反响热烈的) went over well in Dundee 在邓迪市受到热烈欢迎 go round (or US [] around) 1 spin, revolve 转,旋转 2 be long enough to encompass 长得足够围住 3 (of food etc.) suffice for everybody (指食物等)足够每人吃的 4 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) visit informally 非正式访问 5 = go around go slow Brit. deliberately work slowly, as a form of industrial action (cf. 参见 GO-SLOW) []怠工 go through 1 be dealt with or completed 处理,应付或完成 2 discuss in detail; scrutinize in sequence 详细探讨;(仔细或系统地)检查,研究 3 perform (a ceremony, a recitation, etc.) 举行(典礼);表演(朗诵等) 4 undergo 经历,经受,承受 5 colloq. use up; spend (money etc.) []耗尽,用光;花光(金钱等) 6 make holes in 磨穿,磨出孔洞 7 (of a book) be successively published (in so many editions) (指书)接连发行(许多版) 8 Austral. slang abscond [] [俚语]逃亡,潜逃 go through with not leave unfinished; complete 做完,完成 go to! archaic an exclamation of disbelief, impatience, admonition, etc. [古义]不会!我不信!(表示怀疑、不耐烦或警告等) go to the bar become a barrister 从事律师职业,做律师 go to blazes (or hell or Jericho etc.) slang an exclamation of dismissal, contempt, etc. [俚语]见鬼去吧(表示拒绝考虑、轻蔑等) go to the country see COUNTRY go together 1 match; fit 相配;合适 2 have a sexual relationship (与某人)有性关系 go to it! colloq. begin work! []开始干活 ! go to show (or prove) serve as evidence (or proof) (also absol. [亦含宾]) 证明,证实 go under sink; fail; succumb 沉没;失败;屈从 go up 1 increase in price 提价,涨价 2 Brit. colloq. enter university [英口]进大学 3 be consumed (in flames etc.); explode (火焰等)烧毁;爆炸 go well (or ill etc.) (often foll. by 通常后跟 with) turn out well, (or ill etc.) 痊愈(或患病) go with 1 be harmonious with; match 和谐;相配 2 agree to; take the same view as 赞同;看法或观点一致 3a be a pair with 与…成双,与…成对 b have a sexual relationship (与某人)有性关系 4 follow the drift of 随大流,从众 go without manage without; forgo 忍受某事物的缺乏;没有某事物也可以应付 also absol. [亦含宾]: we shall just have to go without 既然没有,我们只好凑合着点儿了 go with the tide (or times) do as others do; follow the drift 从众,随大流 have a go at 1 esp. Brit. attack, criticize [尤英]攻击,批评 2 attempt, try 试图;尝试 on the go colloq. [] 1 in constant motion 在不停活动 2 constantly working 不停工作的,忙个不停的 to go 1 still to be dealt with 有待处理 2 N. Amer. (of refreshments etc.) to be eaten or drunk off the premises [北美] (指茶点等)外卖的,带到饭馆外面去吃的 who goes there? a sentry's challenge 谁在那儿?(哨兵发出的止步命令)[Old English ˉn, from Germanic: went originally the past tense of WEND]




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