

单词 glow
释义 glow/ɡləʊ/ v. & n.v. intr. 1a throw out light and heat without flame; be incandescent 发出光和热,(无焰)燃烧;炽热 b shine like something heated in this way 发白热光,灼热 2 (of the cheeks) redden, esp. from cold or exercise (面颊)发红(尤指因寒冷或锻炼) 3 (often foll. by 常后跟 with)a (of the body) be heated, esp. from exertion; sweat (身体)发热(尤指活动后);出汗 b express or experience strong emotion 感情洋溢或强烈 glowed with pride 得意洋洋; glowing with indignation 怒火中烧 4 show a warm colour 色彩强烈,显示浓艳的颜色 the painting glows with warmth 浓重的色彩渲染着那副图画 5 (as glowing adj.) expressing pride or satisfaction 表示自豪或满意的,赞扬的 a glowing report 热情的报道 n. 1 a glowing state 发光,发热;白炽,炽热 2 a bright warm colour, esp. the red of cheeks 鲜明的或强烈的色彩(尤指面颊的红润) 3 ardour; passion 热情;强烈的感情 4 a feeling induced by good health, exercise, etc.; well-being 容光焕发;神采飞扬 in a glow colloq. hot or flushed; sweating []发热,面红;出汗 glowingly adv.[Old English glōwan, from Germanic]




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